
Whiplash wallpapers for your PC, Android Device, Iphone or Tablet PC. If you want to download Whiplash High Quality wallpapers for your desktop, please download this wallpapers above and click «set as desktop background». You can share this wallpaper in social networks, we will be very grateful to you.
The protagonist of the dramatic thriller & laquo; Obsession & raquo; – Young guy Andrew loves music so enrolled to study at the Conservatory of Music, where it can hone their skills playing the drums. Perspective drummer sees the legendary conductor and the undisputed authority in the world of music Fletcher. He listens to the game and Andrew invites guy to play in one of the best orchestras in the country. Desire to become a professional musician Andrew compels him to put a lot of effort and patience to get rid of uncertainty, as well as improve their skills.
Under the guidance of mentor Fletcher hard, demanding his players to do more than is expected of them, Andrew reveals its hidden potential. Now he wants to become not just a professional musician, and become a great drummer, will leave a trace in the history of music. That’s just this desire grows into an obsession, in which there is no room romance, friends and other distractions, but only at the limit of the game, the last time when the heart is about to explode from the incredible stress.
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