We Are Your Friends

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How often is a barrier to love man’s career … This film will plunge you into a fascinating and drayvovy world of night clubs and discos California. Cole originally saw himself only as a DJ. This is his vocation to the same music – that’s what the guy dvadtsatitrёhletny promising deals with great pleasure. In his dreams – writing supertreka heard that all music lovers and dancers descend again scrip of indescribable delight. These talented individuals are generally not escape the attention of the ubiquitous Hollywood producers. So the young hero of the film “We Are Your Friends” was under the care of James, who, like Cole, began his career at the DJ console. Business relations between the representatives of music world initially folded perfectly. The situation starts to become complicated when Cole breaking out strong feelings for Sofia – the bride of James. What will choose the protagonist: love or a successful career? Do enemies James Cole and Will?
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