Victor Frankenstein movie

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Another adaptation of the creation of the monster, which has a feature: This story comes not from the name of the doctor, but from his hunchback assistant. the latter’s fate was very hard, because wherever he went, everywhere was considered too poor ugly. He worked as a laborer frightened in a provincial circus. Above it is constantly mocked and ridiculed around and unhappy life was like hard labor, but in spite of all this, the hunchback was a corner, and food. Only young beautiful gymnast named Lorelei treated him well. It was she who brought hunchback books on medicine, and the reader is trying to find advice on how to get rid of the damned hump, spoiling life. Through reading the hero learned: he was able to detect the disease and prescribe treatment. His medical knowledge impressed everyone, but, no matter how hard the young genius, the recipe to get rid of the hated hump and was not found. One day, a poor boy accidentally meets a young doctor, and this meeting turns his life. Victor Frankenstein was interested dead animal carcasses which he bought in the circus for some experiments. Hunchback and Frankenstein combine their knowledge in the field of medicine, to defeat the hateful disease protagonist.
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