Vampire Academy

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In the state of Montana, in the outback, where outsiders rarely appear, there is a real Vampire Academy, where bloodsuckers learn magic, and other very useful in life sciences. Young vampires must be education, especially when you consider that their nation is divided into two camps, between which there is a bloody war. One side of this confrontation – race Moroi, maintain order and striving for peaceful existence, while the second – Strigoi, otrinuvshego law and does not abhor brutal murders. The war has been going on for a long time, and the young princess moroyskoy Lisse, entered the Academy, we have to keep an eye on. Ahead of her, not only lessons in magic and stressful way of life choice, but also clashes with the numerous enemies and try to live the life of an ordinary schoolgirl. However, Lissa is not alone: on her side best friend and faithful guard Rose, who for the sake of saving the princess is ready to almost all, and therefore all the difficulties they have to overcome together.
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Mystery
Duration: 1:44:21
Director: Mark Waters
Starring: Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky, Dominic Sherwood, Sarah Hyland, Gabriel Byrne, Sami Gayle, Olga Kurylenko, Joely Richardson, Cameron Monaghan…
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