Trolls movie

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Since ancient times, long and cruel exterminating Berg small friendly troll. However, the secular patience came to an end, and the King Pippi has withdrawn its tiny people away from the clutches of bloodthirsty neighbors. Now there is nothing stopping kids enjoy life painted in all colors of the rainbow village, safely hidden from foes eye in a parallel world. There they happily sing cheerful songs to the accompaniment of crickets. Especially fond of music and dancing naive daughter Poppy King, ready for days on end to dream and have fun. And her sullen Branch one – the only one who guards suspicious quiet life fellow, he stubbornly portends imminent attack old enemies and advises others to prepare for the loss, considering that trolls can not cope with the impending danger. Of course, when starting to listen to him, it is too late. Matured Prince Gristli knows about the magical taste trolls only by disturbing the imagination of the stories of their parents. But both want to continue the family tradition of cooking! Supported tired from the fresh diet relatives, Prince goes in search of delicious multi-colored crumbs. Upon learning of the impending disaster, the king of the trolls on the road sends Branch’s Poppy and led the team of seven desperate citizens. They must prevent the danger and lead the enemy away from the village, while the back is not the worst thing happened.
Starring: Anna Kendrick, Zooey Deschanel, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Justin Timberlake, Christine Baranski, James Corden, Russell Brand, Kunal Neyer, Jeffrey Tambor, John Cleese
Director: Mike Mitchell, Walt Dohrn
Name (original): Trolls
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Genre: Animation, musical, adventure, comedy, fantasy
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
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