Train to Busan

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Title: Busanhaeng
Year: 2016
Country: South Korea
Time: 118 min.
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Premiere: November 10, 2016
We offer you a fascinating film «Train to Busan» .All the events unfolding in Korea. On the street there is a war. From Saul, where it reigns a terrible zombie virus, the train to Busan. Its passengers think they are lucky, and managed to avoid contracting the virus. But they are the lucky ticket was not long happy since slipped deadly virus on board the high-speed train … At one point, gathered rich and the poor, children and adults, all an equal chance at life, but not all of them will get it … By train It began a real anarchy and chaos as a result of a solid. People in a closed space, and get out of it is simply impossible. How will this story? Is Pelham Busan will be saved? Is a terrible virus zombies will win?
Starring: Kon Yu, Ma Dong-seok, Jeong Yu-mi, Kim Su-en, Kim and-sleep, Choi Do-plier, Ahn So-hee, Choi Gwi-hwa, Chon Sok-yong, E Su-john
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