The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

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Each film Guy Ritchie – a true gift for fans of his work. An exquisite blend of action, humor and original story for a long time favorite of many viewers. The new film “The Man From U.n.c.l.e.”, however, has become a kind of reinterpretation of the series, which aired in the US in the 1960s.
The plot of this film is connected with two secret agents: Kuryakinym working for the KGB, and Solo, which is linked to the CIA. Since the film takes place all in the same 1960, ie at the height of the Cold War, then this point is especially important. intelligence confrontation lasts for years, Solo and Kuryakin heard about each other. But they will have to skillfully avoid disputes, because the front of the job, which requires working together. USSR and USA join forces in the fight against a serious opponent. International criminal organization puts the whole world under threat, trying to spread sensitive technology and nuclear weapons development. Kuryakin and solo work in pairs, looking for a missing scientist. Will the secret agents in this daughter of a scientist? Will they infiltrate a criminal organization, and break all the bad things? To find that out, watching the film “The Man From U.n.c.l.e.”.
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