The Girl with All the Gifts

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Original title: The Girl with All the Gifts
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Drama
Country: USA, UK
Duration: 111 min
Directed by: Colm McCarthy
The film takes us in the near future, talking about what may turn out to surprise humanity apocalypse. Suddenly, the whole planet is in danger: in large cities appear unknown to science virus that turns people into bloodthirsty monsters. Infected start to attack healthy and kill them. After a series of terrible precedents government decides to go to extraordinary measures and begins a secret program to nurture the “new” people. In the bunker, access to which is only some scientists and dedicated to what is happening in the military, are housed infected children. Protagonists fiction film “The Girl with All the Gifts» watch over every way, because they are the key to the creation of drugs that can stop the mutation. But they – the same contaminated, hazardous, because of what they contain and in complete isolation. The “new” children have amazing intellectual abilities, but continued to maintain animosity toward all others. But when the bunker attack the infected people from the outside world, children are to be protected scientists.
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