The Girl on the Train

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Original title: The Girl on the Train
Genre: thriller, detective
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Duration: 106 min
Director: Tate Taylor
In the past, the life of Rachel was quite different. It was a place of love, happy moments and passion. Now everything is different – she broke up with her husband, and he could marry another woman. Add the problems of frequent memory lapses and addiction to alcohol, helps to hide the reality of annoying. The main heroine of the thriller “The Girl on the train” upset not so much collapse in his personal life, but the fact that the ex-husband Tom have already started a new family – he has even appeared a child. In the end, the heroine is looking for a way to make your life more normal. She starts every day to ride on the same train to London and see daily among the colorful scenery of the beautiful house and a happy woman living in it, along with her lover. This picture opens it just a couple of minutes, but Rachel is sure – they are really happy. Everything changes when the character sees a stranger in another man’s arms. And then follows and does the unthinkable – gases of Rachel is killed. Driving past the usual place, she sees a small tunnel on a woman unknown attacks. The heroine is drawn immediately to the police, trying to help the investigation. Soon it turns out that she is not quite an observer as it might seem at first …
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