The Fault in Our Stars

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Sixteen-year-Hazel is not mistaken about his health: depression – not a side effect of cancer, it is a side effect of awareness of impending death. A young girl is sick with cancer for several years, he is forced to carry a heavy bottle of oxygen, without which it is suffocating. Hazel’s mother insisted that my daughter attended a support group for adolescent patients, fearing that she was tired to fight for his life. With obvious reluctance, but for fear of upsetting their parents, Hazel goes to a meeting of the group. It is the regular meeting of the support group is faced with Hazel Augustus – a pretty 18-year-old man who are in remission, which immediately attracted her attention. Hazel interest is mutual, young people start dating. It’s pretty fragile and platonichno, their attitude on the part of more like friendships than romanticheskie.Priyatel August Isaac happy in love: his relationship with his girlfriend Monica full of hugs and promises of eternal fidelity. Hazel and Augustus uncomfortable watching their tenderness. Isaac really need this support: a couple of weeks he will have surgery to remove the tumor as a result of which he lost his sight. But Monica breaks up with Isaac, he said he wanted to do it after the surgery, but is unable to cope with increasing stress. Isaac depressed, trying to find solace in computer games that barely get through her tears. Broken Heart Isaac makes Hazel think about her own relationship with Augustus. Come to terms with the inevitability of his own death, she worried about their loved ones who have a hard time after she was gone. Hazel decides to break the relationship, until they become too serious not to damage the young heart cheloveka.No August is not ready to give up his love. After several weeks of unanswered messages, he manages to get Hazel to change her opinion. August tells her that he prefers a broken heart than no opportunity to see her. Both teenagers loved the book writer Wang Hutena that Hazel reread again and again. Van Houten living in Amsterdam and has a reputation as unsociable, but Augustus unable to contact him by e-mail and receive an invitation to come for a visit, if once lovers will visit the Netherlands. Every cancer patient teenager has the possibility of execution of one cherished desire, what helps them charity. Hazel had already used their chance to visit the park Disney a few years ago, in August but has not yet chosen what kind of dream he wants to implement. Poking fun at Hazel, she foolishly spent his desire, August organize a trip to Amsterdam by a charitable foundation, managing to convince philanthropists to pay for travel and Hazel. Hazel happy to finally be able to find out what happened to the characters after the events described in the book, as well as to spend time with your favorite guy. But a visit to Amsterdam is not the same as planned.
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Genre: Romance
Duration: 2:12:54
Director: Josh Boone
Starring: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Laura Dern, Sam Trammell, Nat Wolfe, Willem Dafoe, Lotte Verbeek, Ana Cruz Cases, Randy Kovits Tony Saladna
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