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Squirrel – representative of the class of mammals. Included in rodents squad. The common Latin name – Sciurus. Also in this family, which include protein familiar to us, as there are many other members of the squirrel included in other generations – palm squirrel, red squirrel, and so on.
Description proteins
The body is elongated proteins, culminating in a bushy tail that is constantly covered with thick fur. At length it sometimes exceeds the size of the body, but most often they are the same: both the tail and the body reach from 20 cm to 31 cm slightly shorter rear, which is very noticeable forelimbs animal, when the protein starts to feed.. As the rear and front paws is longest 4th finger. The magnitude – it’s medium and small animal.
Ears large proteins, elongated, sometimes with a brush on the end. Fur depends on the season: in summer it is a short, sparse and rough to the touch, while in the winter – soft, thick and high. Molting proteins there 2 times a year – on the body, the tail – 1 times. A common color – a bit dark brown with lighter belly. Sometimes – gray, especially in winter. In addition, proteins can occur orange, yellow, yellowish-dirty, white ventral and red (all colors), black-brown, gray-brown from the back. The tone is usually dependent on the geographic prerequisites for color variability.
Types of protein
Proteins are called not only to members of the family of squirrel – in addition to the genus Sciurus, to which they belong, also known a few (for example, of a kind Tamiasciurus – red squirrels, Funambulus – palm squirrels and so forth.). Regarding the kind Sciurus worth noting that he has about 30 kinds of protein.
The most famous of these proteins:
gray; Japanese; nayaritskaya; gray and yellow; Caroline; zolotistobryuhaya; Arizona; Persian; Brazilian; Allen protein; Abert’s squirrel and others.
There are other proteins:
black; kagalymskaya; Yucatan; mottled; Protein-Vecchio; Druid protein; Sanborn protein; protein Richmond et al.
habits proteins
One of the most ancient and traditional habits of squirrels – (a variety of nuts are the usual in this role) penchant for winter stocks. However, the protein is characterized by forgetfulness, because it makes these “bins” very much – in the hollows and on the ground. But they do not disappear with time germinating. Thus, the habits of the protein contribute to the conservation of forest plantations.
Also one of the habits is standing up on its hind limbs when the alleged danger – in this way the protein is better covers the views of others its territory. When a protein is often the enemy makes a high-pitched sounds, alerting the neighbors.
Squirrels love to sleep in the afternoon time, hiding in a hollow – when the sun’s rays begin to bake. On a walk through the woods out in the evening or early morning. They are afraid of any bad weather – heavy rain, storms, but especially snowstorms. Although proteins swim well enough, but the water did not go, eschewing sputum.
Cold proteins are trying to prepare thoroughly, making all kinds of food. If autumn is cooler than ever, it is extremely detrimental to the protein because they have to eat that which has been postponed for the winter: in this situation, stocks at that time, as a rule, does not remain, and the animals are starving.
But when fodder in abundance proteins collect them for a rainy day, furnished storage in the roots of trees, in the stumps, in the recesses of the earth, in the crevices of trunks, in abandoned nests, between stones and bushes in the hollows and even in burrows dug by them. Secrete proteins usually seeds, grains, nuts and mushrooms, which can stick to the withered branches.
Where protein lives
Protein is found wherever there are forests and groves. The most favorite squirrel place – among the deaf and dry forests with tall trees. Equally protein can not tolerate sunlight and moisture. He likes to sit in the hollows or in the empty tree trunks, furnished a nest. Sometimes, protein makes housing in the fork of two branches, close to the main trunk. Usually this type forms the open slot, the bottom of which look like traditional bird and tightly closed with the upper flat conical roof. It protects the protein from the rain and snow.
The main output faces east and is located as usual in the side. In the vicinity of the trunk, there is another way – a spare, in case of an emergency retreat. The outer part of the nest is made up of proteins weave thick and thin branches (twigs). Inside, all the squirrel nest (and an open and closed), dry, lined with soft moss, forming a soft cloth. But pay special attention to the base of the proteins, making it to the base of an abandoned crow’s home, the bottom of which is well sealed with clay and earth.
The squirrel eats
The basis of the diet of protein is varied vegetable food: shoots and buds of trees and freshly dried mushrooms, nuts, fruits, berries, seeds of pine and spruce. Do not disdain proteins acorns, cereals, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, bark. But most readily eat seeds of coniferous trees, which are hidden in the cones – fir and pine. Proteins are also great hunters of birds eggs. They often do not spare even the young ones.
As you can see, the feed of these animals is very rich in fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This is due to the fact that, unlike deer or rabbits, which also consume vegetation, proteins can not digest cellulose. The most difficult time to feed – early spring, when the seeds buried in the ground, begin to germinate, so not suitable for food, and before the next harvest for a long time to wait. Then the proteins begin to feed the kidneys (most often – a silver maple). Can there are frogs, insects, mammals, medium-sized birds, giving preference Still chicks and laying. In tropical regions, it replaces all the traditional nuts proteins.
Habitats protein
Proteins are found everywhere where the trees grow, except for the Australian continent. Rhode squirrel combines more than 30 kinds of protein distribution area which covers the Asian area with a temperate climate, the North and South American continents, Europe (all), Trans-Urals and the Caucasus. The proteins also are found in North and South Siberia, where transferred to the Altai and Indo-China.
Reproduction protein
Adult squirrels mate in the month of March, the young – a little later, closer to the summer. During this period, around one female collected 10 or more males who abuse the right to fight for the championship and procreation. A little more than a month in the squirrel nest appear 3-7 cubs. For the delivery of the protein usually chooses hollow trees, which forms a warm and cozy nest covered with moss.
At first Belchatow fed only breast milk, but when they cease to suck, a mother or a father in a few days is mined and bring them food and then leave, to give another offspring again. In summer, the female usually brings fewer squirrels, compared with the spring offspring. When the second brood grows and starts to run independently parents connects with the first settling whole family (12 to 16 protein) in a single piece of wood.
Hunting for a protein
Protein is a very popular object of hunting, because it has valuable fur, fur-bearing demand in the blanks. Especially common squirrel hunting in the taiga regions. However, only a suitable winter fur: squirrel, shoot from October / November to February / March, give excellent quality skins – with a surprising softness and smoothness of hair.


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