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The main character leads a dull existence, although it works in the US Central Intelligence Agency. However, the position of the heroine leaves much to be desired – it is usual office plankton, whose task is to engage in transactions. However, Susan Cooper leaves no hope for the present job, and soon she has the chance to show what it can do. Her colleagues are working on an important matter – searching for the bomb, which urgently need to disarm, but fail. During the exchange of fire killed the only witness, and no other clues. CIA Office does not know what more to take, but the data will soon come, that there is a girl who knows the whereabouts of the bomb. They call it the Rhine Boyanova, but send for a purpose to it a special agent of the operatives can not be – she knows them all in person. At this point, Susan illuminates – it is necessary to offer the authorities a candidate! Thinking they agree and commit the matter to the agent Cooper. She finally gets a chance to stop to touch the paper, if the course will cope with the task. A woman takes a pseudonym and sent to meet with Susan. From the first minutes of their conversation girl plunge into dangerous adventures and dynamic.
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