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In the world there are a large number of sportsmen “srednyachkov”, they tend to just take the necessary standards. No one expects them much success, and he himself is not necessary. But there are also people who are capable of one its appearance in the championship cause awe of the crowd. These are the real nuggets, doomed to world fame from an early age. That kind of person is the protagonist of the movie “Southpaw”, and he has every chance to become a world star of boxing. A feature of the athlete is the fact that his work is left hand, which means that it is able to cause an unexpected devastating blows at the enemy. In this sport falls too early to retire, so finding fame, Billy is forced to retire. But not everything goes as planned athlete. At risk is the daughter of the hero, besides her father deprived of their parental rights simply because of one unfortunate incident. To restore one of the few people’s favorite, Billy must not only participate in the next battle, and defeat the enemy without reservation. Since then, the developments are not the best way for the retired athlete. And then there it turns out that his opponent is much younger …
Release year: 2015
Country: USA
Duration: 02:03:46
Premiere (RF): July 30, 2015
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rachel McAdams, Forest Whitaker, Una Lawrence, Fifty St., Skaylan Brooks, Naomie Harris, Victor Ortiz, Beau Knapp, Miguel Gomez
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