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By “Schnauzer” refers to three varieties of this species, which differ substantially in size. Beard, mustache and shaggy eyebrows – this is perhaps the most distinctive features of the appearance of this breed. Depending on the size, was isolated:
Giant Schnauzer (these are large dogs, which can reach 70 cm in height)
Schnauzer (middle-sized breeds. The adult dog is not more than half a meter)
Tsverkshnautser (dwarf dog, an increase of 30-35 cm).
Features schnauzers
Schnauzers vary in size, however, their appearance and temperament and character similar. Cheerful and energetic dogs of this breed is characterized by endurance and tendency to dominate. Individuals of medium and large size are excellent guards.
Schnauzers with sturdy, have a high resistance to colds. In addition, among the other dogs, this breed is considered to be long-lived. Its kind of this breed is of terriers. In this regard, they are different activity and curiosity.
Schnauzer in full growth
Appearance schnauzers similar, so they have one standard for all. In dogs, this breed color elongated oval located dark eyes and a strong jaw. If the ears are cropped, they have the form of standing, if not – then poluvisyachie. Wool and thick rough, can reach up to 2.5 cm in length. Naturally, these dogs do not shed. The advantage of the breed is the absence of the characteristic smell of “dog.” Soft and silky hair in representatives of this type is considered to be a defect, moreover, it makes it difficult to care for animals.
A distinctive feature of nature is boundless blind schnauzers love to close people, which can border on fanaticism. Dogs of this breed are pronounced leaders. The authority in the pet owner will have to win and attach to it a lot of effort. Even if the dog has a favorite spot in the house, once in front of him will be a favorite host, it will constantly follow him.
The differences between the types of Schnauzers
The main difference between the varieties of schnauzers, this is undoubtedly their size. Naturally, therefore, give birth tsverkshnautserov more for decorative function. Other species, among other things, serve as excellent and defenders both at home and its owners. Dwarf Schnauzer – is artificially derived breed descended from Mittel.
The origin of the breed as a whole is a huge amount of controversy. Some dog experts believe that it dates back several centuries. Another view – the dog of this breed appeared in the last century in Germany. It is believed that the animals originally bred to guard stables. Schnauzers are excellent fishers rats and moles. It is for this purpose, they need a thick coat on the belly and face to a rodent could not bite through the skin. Today, representatives of the breed are unique rat catchers.
Good health is a characteristic feature of the representatives of the breed. Schnauzers are long-lived, the average duration of their life expectancy is 12-14 years. Like many other dogs, they are increasingly began to celebrate tumors and growths in recent years. But in comparison with the others, Schnauzer is rarely in need of assistance of a veterinarian. Even such common disease like hip dysplasia, in schnauzers uncommon.
However, it should be noted that if the landlord is not enough responsible approach to load the dog exercise, it may suffer excess weight and become less active. Ideally, the representatives of the breed – a slender dog smart, inquisitive and are very much moving. Before you purchase a puppy is recommended that you look into the medical history of his parents. Among hereditary diseases may cause juvenile cataracts and retinal atrophy. These diseases have a negative impact on the dog’s vision, including blindness.
Care and Training
Schnauzers are ideal for training. Dogs of this breed is characterized by a character trait as a trick. In the absence of a proper upbringing and mittel- tsverkshnautsery are barking more than usual. Therefore it is necessary to take care of a good childhood socialization of puppies. Dogs of this breed are very fond of people and quickly attached to the host. They play great with the kids, do not show specific suspicion of strangers. However, with proper training Schnauzer become good defenders. Moreover, the dog learns all the lessons very quickly.
But keep in mind that all the skills, including the defense, it is necessary to practice in game situations. Usually the dog slightly raise enough voice so she realized the mistake. Rote learning and whipping not lead to the desired result. Physical strength in the education schnauzers not allowed. Due to peculiarities of the breed, the dog will always strive to be a leader. So the first time the owner will have to earn credibility and avoid the slightest indulgence. For example, if you give a piece schnauzer from the table, then the next time he will begin to demand their delicacy. In this regard, you need to avoid situations where the owner will go on about your pet.
Exercise should be regular and mandatory for a representative of this breed. Long walks on which the dog can stretch their legs – one of the prerequisites for its content. Do not overfeed your dog, as schnauzers are prone to overweight. Especially important correct and balanced diet if not strongly active dog.
If you properly care for your hair, the dog does not fade. The need for regular combing. At least two times a year Schnauzer need trimming. On the head and thighs cut our hair clippers. More soft and thin hair is allowed, which is formed from a beard, mustache and eyebrows. Haircut desirable at first to do the professionals, since sloppy clumsy movements, especially in the face area can harm the dog.
Require eye care and schnauzer teeth. To clean the last special paste for animals or baking soda can be used. From the corners of his eyes, as appropriate deleted emerging pollution. Claws are cut as they grow. This should be done very carefully so as not to harm your pet. It is advisable to start to trim the claws still a puppy. Care should be taken that they do not grow larger than when the dog was acquired. Start with recommended hind legs.
As a result, we can say that all three species Schnauzer – is active and the resilient dog. Despite the scowl, partly because of the overhanging eyebrows, the representatives of this breed have a light hearted nature. Raising them does not cause difficulties, as well as care. Schnauzers size affects the dog’s choice in functionality. So, Mittel is acquired mainly for protection, giant schnauzer – for defense, tsverkshnautser – just as a pet. However, the dog can be selected simply by his own preference, without looking at the physical qualities of the future of the family pet.


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