Ron Howard

Ron Howard

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Ron Howard – one of the most successful American film director, famous actor and producer. Multiple nominee and winner of the most prestigious awards in the film industry, including the “Saturn” premium “Emmy” and “Oscar”.
Ronald William Howard, better known by the name of Ron Howard was born in Duncan Oklahoma in the south of the United States. The future famous actor and film director, was born March 1, 1954 in a family of actors. His father, Rance Howard, from childhood dreams of an acting career, he studied the art of drama in the University of Oklahoma, and his mother, Jean Howard enrolled in acting school in New York. Not surprisingly, he barely Ronald began to walk confidently as faced the camera lens. His first film role, he received eighteen months as a child in the 1956 western “The woman from the border.” However, if at that time he still could not really show what is capable of, in a few years, Ron has repeatedly issued a chance to demonstrate his innate acting talent at the shooting of various films and television series. A really well-known as he was as a teenager, having made the transition from child-actor Ronnie Howard to Ronald Howard. Many older audience he is known as Richie Cunningham from the popular comedy series in 1974 “Happy Days.” Despite the fact that Ron was constantly on countless movie sets, his parents were closely monitored to ensure that their son was not deprived of a normal childhood. He studied in the most ordinary public schools and grew along with their “no star” peers. Once he, with the approval of the parents, made almost a year break from acting, in order to take part in a basketball tournament.
At the age of fifteen, besides of acting Ron Howard swept interest in directing. Armed with a classic camera «Super 8″ and the film, he began to shoot their first films. This ultimately resulted in the fact that he became a student at the University of Southern California, where he began studying directing skills. Ron decided two years later to leave school at the university, considering that no theory can never replace practice. Before take off their first full movie “Big avtoograblenie” 1977, a novice filmmaker managed to publish several short films. However, a successful director Ron Howard’s career could not have taken place if not for a known producer Roger Corman. At the suggestion of Ron, they concluded an agreement, according to which the Executive Howard becomes the main character in the comedy film “Eat My Dust” and Roger Kormen assists it in the financing and support of his first directorial work. As a result of this transaction was beneficial to both parties.
So Ron Howard began his ascent in direction, without leaving and acting work. To date, to his credit in both capacities for several dozen successful films. Widely known as an actor, he has acquired through shooting in the films “The most accurate”, “Fire on the Mountain”, “New American Graffiti” and some others. The most the high-profile work of Ron Howard as the director and producer can be called family film “Grinch – Stole Christmas,” historical drama “Frost Nixon” melodrama “Knockdown” thriller “Changeling”, a fantastic film “Cocoon”, the drama “A Beautiful Mind” , detective tape “Da Vinci code” and the biographical history of sports, “Race”, which appeared on the big screen in 2013.


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