Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Remake

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Remake

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Last year’s remake of Resident Evil 2 was wonderful – both as a modern horror and as a return of a beloved classic. He even won our Game of the Year title! Therefore, we were optimistic about the continuation – the restart of the third part. Although, of course, we guessed that we won’t get such vivid impressions as a year ago. But what we definitely did not expect was the fact that Resident Evil 3 Remake will be very different not only from its predecessor, but also from its own original source.

The last escape
Released in 1999, Resident Evil 3 continued the story of Jill Valentine, the heroine of the first part. Her partner Chris went abroad and got into Resident Evil Code: Veronica, and Jill stayed in Raccoon City … and somehow miraculously slept through the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. Throughout the game, she tries to get out of the city, but it’s not so easy: the streets are blocked by barricades, the townspeople have turned into the living dead, and an immortal pursuer in a black cloak is chasing Jill.
The heroine knows very well that the Umbrella Corporation, where biological weapons were secretly developed, is to blame for the disaster. But her only allies in this nightmare are the mercenaries of Umbrella herself. They were sent to Raccoon City to rescue the last survivors. Well … according to the official version. In fact, the military was simply sent to the city for slaughter: in this way the company wanted to collect more data on the combat capability of the monsters generated by the virus.
At the same time, “Umbrella” also threw Nemesis into the city – an especially tenacious mutant who is able to use weapons and obey commands. His order is simple: to kill everyone who managed to escape from the mansion in the first part. And Jill, of course, is on this list.

The remake quite accurately repeats this storyline, although it literally changes every detail. As in the case of Resident Evil 2, everything that happens has a clear logic. And although after the passage there are still questions about the script, it has become many times better than it was in the original.
The mercenaries have benefited most from the innovations. Previously, they seemed rather faceless, but in the remake they became much more alive: the seasoned warrior Mikhail, the cynic Nikolai and the good-natured Carlos. He saves the life of the main character more than once and becomes the second playable character. But despite the fact that the dialogue in the remake has become much more, there is still no special chemistry between Jill and Carlos. Most of the time, they just talk about pressing issues. But there is no more strength left for intimate conversations.

In terms of gameplay, the original third “Resident” resembled an addon for the second part. The same engine, the same mechanics, the same setting. However, a number of pleasant innovations have appeared there. For example, it was possible to choose the behavior of the heroine at special moments, and this motivated to replay the game. But the remake offers nothing of the kind – it is rigidly linear and very scripted.
In a sense, we have the antipode of the Resident Evil 2 remake. It was very slow and tense: it was necessary to painstakingly clean room after room, sweat at every step and shy away from every sound. We expected something similar from the novelty, but it took a completely different path. There are few puzzles and thoughtful exploration of locations, but full of shooting. Remake of Resident Evil 3 is no longer a horror, but rather an action game … with horror mechanics.
Yes, and she became somewhat impoverished: there is no more blue grass and the ability to protect herself from a bite with a knife or grenade.
Yes, we are still running back and forth looking for switches and keys, but this path is extremely linear. Each location usually has only one key object at the end of the obvious route. And then this route conveniently loops around and leads you back to the place where this object needs to be applied. The head can be left out at all.
Yes, we still have limited inventory, but with upgrades there are quickly more slots. And due to the fact that there are now a minimum of key items, you no longer need to choose what to carry with you. We take a couple of guns, cartridges for each, a first aid kit, a master key, a key – and there is still a place left.
Yes, zombies are still very tenacious and rise even after you seemingly kill them. But the heroes now know how to skillfully evade with a powerful counterattack. And there is no longer a shortage of cartridges: they lie on the road and are crafted from gunpowder and explosives. There is so much ammo that you can generously do a control shot to the head of every corpse in any new room. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
Resident Evil 3 Remake review. A completely different game

Failed stalker
Even the immortal Nemesis is not afraid. At one time, he was remembered by the players much more than the Tyrant from the second part due to the fact that he chased Jill from room to room, not giving the descent even during the exploration of the city. One got the impression that the pursuer did not lag behind the heroine, wherever she was.
Ironically, the opposite is true in remakes. The tyrant appeared unexpectedly and tirelessly followed on his heels, and the new Nemesis comes out only when the script allows it. There is little chance of accidentally meeting him on the streets of the city – except that he will overtake Jill according to the script during the next chase. These fragments have become much more spectacular than before, but at the same time they seem more artificial, orchestrated.
However, it is better that way. After all, if you try to run from Nemesis around the city, it becomes clear that his artificial intelligence has remained at the 1999 level. He is ridiculously predictable and very slowly crawls through the few doors that are available to him. And at these moments you can humiliate him as you like – even cut with a knife.

In general, because of all these scripted chases and scenes, the new Resident Evil 3 strongly resembles the Tomb Raider of 2013. There, the unfortunate heroine also received wounds all the time, fell and suffered without the player’s participation at all. For some, this Hollywood drama will be a plus, but for many it will be the opposite. After all, we so appreciated the remake of the second part precisely for how boldly it went against the trends of modern AAA games.
Beyond recognition
And the Resident Evil 2 remake was extremely scrupulous about the original source. The developers have improved all the old locations and cutscenes, but retained their recognizability. But the remake of the third part simply changes most of the old content to the new one. And if the reworking of the script did him only good, then everything that was simply thrown out is hard not to regret. Okay, the streets of the city have changed beyond recognition, but what about the clock tower? Factory? A park? They just don’t exist.

Due to the fact that the developers of the remake have reduced it to several large locations, it goes through very quickly – in less than five hours. It is shorter than either of last year’s two scenarios Resident Evil 2. And leaves behind a bewilderment: “Is that all?” There really is no single content anymore: the “Mercenaries” mode was not brought into the remake.
Playing Resident Evil 3 Remake is simple and enjoyable. The game does everything for your convenience, does not bother looking for many keys, does not require saving cartridges, constantly throws up new enemies and spectacular scenes. She does not have time to get bored. But at the same time, it is unlikely to be remembered as the old RE3 or the new RE2. Casting aside her horror roots, she just became an AAA blockbuster. One more.

If the remake of the second part made people admire how skillfully its creators transformed the original, then the remake of the third one almost completely lost touch with both the original source and its immediate predecessor. This is a good game, but it has too little of what sank into our souls in 1999 and 2019.


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