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Pomegranate – a plant family lythraceae. The large fruits have a spherical shape. The diameter may be 8 to 18 cm., Depending on the grade skin color can vary from yellow-orange to dark red.
Under a thin, yet very durable skin is a huge amount of seeds that are surrounded by juicy pulp red. Ripe pomegranates may contain more than 1 thousand. Seeds.
The fact that the fruit is ready to eat it indicates the density and dryish peel. Ripe fruits have a sweet and slightly tart taste. Today, large plantations of pomegranate are in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, the fruits grow in areas with warm climates.
Beneficial features
The composition of the pomegranate contains a large amount of nutrients. Include fruits in the diet is for people who are or have been in the radioactive zones as antioxidants contained in fruits, neutralize harmful substances.
The composition of the pomegranate contains a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on the bowel and helps prevent constipation.
The fruits have a disinfectant and antiseptic. Also, due to the content of antioxidants, regular consumption of this fruit is an excellent prevention of the formation of cancer.
The use in cooking
The fresh pomegranate was used to prepare and decorate a variety of desserts. For example, it is perfect for ice cream, cream, meringue. In addition, the grain used for salads and very tasty sauces.
From pomegranate can be cooked jam, which can serve as an excellent side dish to venison.
Very popular grenades in Indian cuisine. The grain can be dried and used as a wonderful spice, which is suitable for vegetables and beans.
Included grenades in the various alcoholic beverages, for example, it is placed in the wine, punches, syrups. By the way the most famous is the “Grenadine”.
The benefits of pomegranate and treatment
Use a grenade caused a broad composition of minerals and vitamins. Medicinal properties have not only the flesh and the seeds and juice. It is noted that the increased levels of hemoglobin in the blood with regular use of the fruit. In addition, you will notice a significant improvement of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to useful substances pomegranate helps to normalize blood pressure, and it improves blood formation.
Garnet is used in folk medicine. For example, the infusion on the peel or the fruit possess astringent that helps to cope with diarrhea. Since it is proved that pomegranate reduces blood cholesterol levels, it is allowed to use for people with diabetes.
In folk medicine commonly used tinctures and decoctions based on pomegranate bark. It is used also as a wonderful anthelmintics. Besides, such tincture helps reduce inflammation. Once they are used for the treatment of various problems with the throat, as a rinse.
Pomegranate peel is dried, and then milled to a powder, which is then perfectly helps with burns and acne. Also useful properties has dried membrane of the fruit. They are simply added to the tea and drink as a sedative. In addition, this drink will help to get rid of insomnia.
Harm pomegranate and contraindications
Harm grenades can bring people with individual intolerance. Fruit juice, especially in a concentrated condition, can damage the tooth enamel. It should also be borne in mind that the skin of the pomegranate are alkaloids – organic acids, which may be in an exceeding of the act on the body as a toxic substance. About overdose may indicate dizziness, vision problems and seizures.


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