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Pizza is one of the symbols of Italy and the most widespread Italian dish in the world. And, of course, very tasty! And who will not hold to try nastoyaschuyuyu Italian pizza, having been in this Sunny country
Traditionally, the home of pizza is Naples, but we’ll find away.
Even 6000 years ago in Egypt began to produce bread, first began to cook bread from flour and water, over time, noticed that sometimes the dough began to grow and expand, were opened yeast.
Then the case for small: it was invented oven, it had a conical shape, the pellets were placed on the walls outside, and when they fell, it was considered finished on this side, preparing first with one hand, then the other and it took several centuries before the stove began to use from the inside. Such pellets vstrechayte in many ancient cultures: Greek, Roman, Asian. Well-known and pita, and pita bread, and tortilla, and naan, and Mazza.
Beautiful pizzarello same upominanie about the pizza sees in the year 997, in Gaeta near Rome was found the lease of the mill for which the peasant undertook to Christmas and Easter to give 12 pizzas. Happening from the Latin word pinsa (pressure – pressure).
But the appearance of this pizza is due to two events: the advent of the Saracens in the middle ages and the discovery of America in 1492. The Saracens gave it as an indemnity of 100 buffaloes, of which milk was first created by mozzarella.
Well, with the discovery of America due to the emergence of tomatoes, brought to Europe from the Aztecs. But first they were considered poisonous and used only in the 17th century, the tomato began to be used in the kitchen for cooking flatbread in Naples. By the way the word “tomato” is also an Italian, the first tomatoes were yellow color, for which they nicknamed “the Golden Apple” (pomo d’oro).
Pizza these real pizza sold in Naples for the poor on the street, there was even a profession pizzaiolo. One of these shops was opened in 1738, Port’alba, it was her enterprising owner turns in 1830, the first in the world pizzeria Port’alba, which is still active nowadays.
The pizza here is cooked in a wood stove exposed brick, and to this day it is believed that this is the perfect way to cook this dish. Here the assembled writers and hudozhniki, and news about the pizza spread throughout Europe, even Alexandre Dumas wrote about it.
Does not remain indifferent to the new dish and the Queen of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, it is during their summer prebyvanija with her husband in Naples, invites to the Palace the best pizza maker of that time Rafael Esposito. He provided for her three kinds of pizza: Brabdi
with melted pig fat, cheese and Basil
with tomatoes, garlic and oregano (marinara)
with tomatoes, mozzarella and Basil
The last Queen liked both the taste and the fact that had the colors of the flag of Italy that the pizza maker gave her the name of the Queen – pizza Margherita!
Needless to say that the sale of the pizza was fine, but Rafael Esposito received the laurels of the inventor, although in Naples I trained this pizza is already a century earlier.
Today, those two pizzas (Margarita and Marinara) are protected by European laws.
Today there are a huge number of recipes and types of pizzas even in Italy: Rome, Naples, calzone, Focaccia, al Talia and Alla palla. But no doubt a classic in portiunii decades remains the pizza Margarita, created by the Neapolitan tradition: with yeast, by hand without using a rolling pin and other devices in a brick oven at a temperature of 485 degrees, and cook it no more than 90 seconds.
Roman’s pizza, in contrast to the soft and airy Neapolitan, thin and crostada, but also in the old tradition, cook it in the oven, but at a lower temperature.
Pinsa Romana
In Rome, invented a new kind of pizza – pinsa romana. Prepared according to the ancient Roman recipe. As in Ancient Rome the farmers used poor grains (millet, barley, spelt, oats) as well and now the Romans have returned to the ancient recipe. Pinsa Romana softer dietican and better digested, so having been in Rome, you should try this delicacy.


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