
Pixels wallpapers for your PC, Android Device, Iphone or Tablet PC. If you want to download Pixels High Quality wallpapers for your desktop, please download this wallpapers above and click «set as desktop background». You can share this wallpaper in social networks, we will be very grateful to you.
New creation of director Chris Columbus was the fantastic blockbuster comedy with elements of “pixels”, which tells about the next alien invasion on Earth in order to capture our beautiful planet. In the distant 80s of last century, NASA sent into deep space time capsule, which contained all the necessary information about the Earth and its inhabitants, starting with greetings in different languages, ending the popular computer games. This message intended as a message of peace, but the other inhabitants of the vast universe, who found a time capsule, interpreted quite differently.
The aliens took the message as a warning of the impending war, and began to attack first. True humanity is faced with a very big problem concerning the confrontation newcomers, because they are not evil gray men with big eyes, not horrible monsters, and look like the most real of pixels displayed characters popular among people of computer games. It is made from energy and all kinds of weapons are useless. However, there are the lucky ones who are not afraid to fight back the evil aliens.
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