Payton Moormeier

Payton Moormeier

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Date and place of birth: July 28, 2003, California, USA
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 60KG
Marital status: Not maried

Payton Moormeier is an American social media star. He became famous for the publication of unusual videos on TikTok.

Notable facts from biography
Peyton was born in 2003 in Georgia (according to other information – California), USA, but now lives in North Carolina.

The blogger has an older sister named Faith with whom he gets along well.

It is not known what the parents are doing. Father’s name is Chris and mother’s name is Joanne. Parents do not live together.

Now Peyton goes to a regular school, plans to get higher education in the future.

Has a driver’s license, often records video while in the car.

Peyton’s ears are pierced. He loves to wear big gold jewelry and glasses.

Payton Moormeier: biography, photo, how old
Peyton loves to experiment with style, which is to his liking and his fans

The guy regularly works out in the gym and pool.

Peyton never thought about becoming famous in the vastness of social networks. However, he was always artistic, and somehow, on the advice of a friend, he decided to record on video what he can, so that others could see it too. The guy’s videos attracted attention primarily due to the fact that unique special effects were added to them at a professional level.

Initially he was part of a group called “JrElite”, but decided to pursue a solo career.

He registered his own TikTok account in 2017, after a while he had to go through the account verification procedure due to the rapidly growing popularity. In a short period of time, almost 3 million people subscribed to it. 2.1 million fans have subscribed to his Instagram, and almost 500 thousand people have subscribed to his Youtube channel. Peyton has accounts on almost all social networks, but recently deleted his Facebook page.

In 2019, for the first time, a video he created received over a million likes.

Created joint videos with blogger King Tino.

Fans began to notice that his content had changed somewhat. He himself explains this by the fact that he is growing up and, as a result, his approach to creativity is changing.

Personal life
Peyton doesn’t say if he has a girlfriend or not. However, he did date someone and recently broke up, according to his Twitter page. The blogger writes that he still loves his ex-lover. He misses her, but is glad that the girl is happy without him.

Facts from life
The blogger loves dogs. One dog lives in his house, which often appears in videos with him.

Wants to be talked about after his death “He died like a rock star.”

Wears Gucci perfume.

Has problems with anxiety, depression and mood swings, and tweets about mental health problems.

Often very jealous of loved ones. Worries if friends start spending less time with him and more time with someone else.

In his free time he likes to watch videos on Youtube, can do it for hours.

Peyton thinks girls look much better without makeup.

He regularly meets with his subscribers, goes to the movies with them or just for walks. Likes to make new friends, enjoys signing autographs and taking pictures.

Favorite dish is pizza.

In the future she wants to become an actor and act in films.


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