Nioh 2

Nioh 2

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The original Nioh came out in early 2017. It was a third-person action game created according to the precepts of Dark Souls. Then the developers not only licked the familiar mechanics and twisted the difficulty to the maximum, but also filled the game with unique ideas like helper spirits and three different grips for weapons.

In addition, the game clung to the setting – the events took place in Japan during the sengoku period, the time of troubles in the country, which is probably familiar to history buffs. A similar setting was in last year’s Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Gamers and critics greeted Nioh very warmly (average score on Metacritic – 88 for journalists and 8.5 for players), so the sequel was not long in coming.

Nioh 2 does not strive to come up with something new in the souls-like genre or in action games. The developers just took all the main advantages of the original game and added several new features that fit neatly into the overall gameplay. I played the demo, which was available from November 3rd to 10th on PS4, died 500 times, but was still happy.

Beta starts with creating your own character. Despite the fact that the game will only be released next year, and some items are not available, the editor is very detailed. Your protagonist can choose gender, customize facial elements, hair style, physique and even age in detail.

However, if you do not want to waste time on a huge number of sliders and settings, then you can use the pre-created models. They are surprisingly not ugly. I sat for about 20-30 minutes and created a very cute girl, who at least take as a wife, and not send to battle with demons.

After that, you find yourself in a beautiful location, where you will be asked to choose two types of weapons from a large set. Even for beta, the arsenal is quite extensive. There is a common katana, double hatchets, two short swords, a large scythe, a spear, and even a kusarigama (a chain with a heavy iron ball on one end and a sickle on the other). After that, it is proposed to go through two locations, made in the autumn style – in the full version there will be other seasons.

Fighting hasn’t changed much
The core of the combat system migrated to the original with virtually no changes. The character can hold any weapon in three stances: medium, low and heavy. How exactly the character will fight depends on this.

With the upper grip, the blows will be strong and slow, but they will consume stamina faster. The lower one, on the other hand, is designed for quick and light strikes, which you can use to grab the enemy into the stand and quickly kill – but the damage will be cheap. Between each stance, you can switch directly during the combination, making up unique combos.

All blows consume stamina, which can be sharply restored if you press a certain button at the right moment – this adds dynamics to the battles and makes you focus even more on each battle.

Each stance has a huge skill tree that unlocks as you use your weapon. With the same two swords, you can not only dashingly attack opponents, but also jump over their heads, if you take a special upgrade in the lower stance – there are many similar examples.

On all this, the developers have imposed another trick through which they promote Nioh 2 – the ability of the protagonist to address his dark side and turn into youkai [ demons from Japanese folklore]. One more bar was added to the endurance – Akim, which accumulates when dealing damage to opponents. She is spent on the use of magical skills.

In the original Nioh, there were helper spirits that the hero could summon to the battlefield. They are also in the sequel, but now they are responsible for demonic skills. There are three of them in beta. The first allows you to deliver a powerful blow that interrupts strong attacks of opponents, the second grants the ability to sharply teleport to the side, and the third – to block any enemy strike, if you catch the timing correctly.

If you accumulate enough energy, you can turn into a powerful youkai – the protagonist’s appearance changes, the blows inflict crazy damage, and health is not wasted. It is a pity that such pleasure lasts only a few seconds.

The sequel is very similar to the original. The same structure of locations with shortcuts [ transitions, with the help of which the area opens up the opportunity to cut the path], rather high difficulty (you can die in two or three hits) and battles with mini-bosses and powerful demons.

Desecrated areas also appeared on the maps, chosen by some vile youkai. In them, the main character recovers stamina more slowly, but energy accumulates faster for the use of demonic attacks. After defeating such a demon, the player can absorb his essence, adding a new attack to his arsenal. For example, after meeting one of these, my sweetheart learned to turn into a huge owl and throw a powerful spear.

For killing opponents and bosses, the hero accumulates essence, which can be spent on increasing characteristics, but if you die, you will have to run to your corpse after respawning and return what you have lost. If you die this time too, then all the accumulated good will disappear.

If you often use one type of weapon or one form of the demon, then sooner or later the opportunity will open up to choose new techniques or passive skills. By the end of the beta, my heroine learned how to handle a huge scythe with trowels, and also jump briskly if she was holding double swords.

The main problem is the interface
What I want to make a complaint about is the local interface. It is still the same cumbersome – it will take more than one hour of play to study it. But this is also a plus of the project. For example, in a massive skill tree, you can see in advance exactly what a move looks like, and its description is very meticulous.

There are a lot of items in the sequel, just like in the original. Dozens of different pieces of armor or new types of weapons fall from each enemy. Sometimes there are also rare examples, akin to the game with some Diablo. One mini-boss dropped an unusual scythe that accumulates power every time I kill an enemy. How many more developers have come up with for the full version, even scary to assume.

The graves of fallen warriors are often found at locations. In the original, you could summon a phantom and give him a fight, and get some powerful loot as a reward. The sequel also has this, but in addition to the enemy, you can also call on an ally.

Bosses – top
The boss battles are epic. In beta, there were two of them – the demonic cat Kama-itachi and the snake with horns Yatsu-no-kami. Fights with them, as befits Nioh, are very difficult. The leaders literally make you memorize every attack and keep you in suspense to the last drop of your blood. At some point, the boss can drag the main character into the underworld and kill with one blow – a novelty of the game.

Has the game gotten harder? Probably not. The difficulty is about the same as in the original, although some enemies can kill you in one powerful blow, and if you miss the combos from the boss, then you can prepare in advance for the loading screen.

In the beta, there were often areas where demons attack in a gang of six or seven people – I almost threw a gamepad into the wall while trying to complete this episode. During the entire beta period, I lost count of how many times I died, but this at the same time caused frustration and a desire to learn something new. And what ecstasy I caught when I finally flunked one of the bosses – not a single phrase can describe this thrill.

Nioh 2 is the ultimate sequel. The developers at Team Ninja are very careful in introducing new mechanics and following the ideas laid down in the original game. It may seem to some that the authors are engaged in self-copying, and the simple ability to turn into a demon cannot be avoided here. But it seems that this will only be a nagging. After all, the main thing is to play it was interesting. And with this Nioh 2 copes perfectly.

The game was released on March 20, 2020 for PS4 only.


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