Need for Speed

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On the screen comes the long-awaited film adaptation of popular video games. The film’s protagonist – Toby Marshall, who has a unique talent mechanic: he feels the machine, which works like no other, and is pleased to participate in clandestine races, which represent a considerable danger to the riders. When the family workshop Marshalls is in a difficult situation, Toby decides to take a partner Dino Brewster – former racer the NASCAR, whose arrogance and incredible conceit, perhaps superior to his actual achievements on the race track. However, Dino capital needs Toby, to establish a business, and their partnership is profitable … at least until the moment when Dino decides to betray the trust of a friend, and put him a criminal. After serving two years in prison for a crime he did not commit, Toby comes to freedom, to avenge the lost time, and profane the name. And he’s going to do it on the race track – where not only victory, but also the very survival depends on how well the driver “feels” his car.
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime
Duration: 2:10:41
Director: Scott Waugh
Starring: Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Dakota Johnson, Michael Keaton, Ramon Rodriguez, Nick Chinlund, Sir Maggiore Rami Malek, Scott Meskadi
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