Natalia Bardo

Natalia Bardo

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Name: Natalia Bardo (Natalia Krivozub)
Date of Birth: April 5, 1988
Place of birth: Moscow
Height: 172
Activities: Russian theater and film actress
Marital status: divorced
Natalya Bardo: biography
Natalia Krivozub, better known to us as an actress Natalya Bardo, Muscovite. She was born in April 1988. Her father, Sergei Krivozub – famous athlete-athlete, champion of Europe. His parents divorced when Natalia was small. But she took over from her father a love of sports and engaged in artistic gymnastics and basketball. In addition, she attended dance school, where she studied ballroom dancing.
In early childhood, Natasha showed talent for music and singing. She graduated from music school, piano. But most of the film actress Natalia dreamed career. She gladly took part in amateur performances, which were put in her school. With such a spread of interests and a variety of talents Natalia Krivozub had time to study well. She attended school with mathematical bias.
After leaving school at the insistence of parents daughter went to buy “serious” profession. The choice fell on the College, where he taught Banking. But the dream to get on the TV screens and become famous did not leave Natasha for a moment. So she went to the school of acting. And in 2012, the future actress received the diploma of the famous Shchukin Theatrical University, where she studied in the studio of Malinowski and Ivanov.
In January 2007, when Natalia studied on 3-th year economic college, she participated in the project “Dom-2”. There she spent 177 days. Natasha build a relationship with a party to show Anton Borodin. But a few months later the guy left the project. In 2008, she left the reality show. If you believe the rumors, she appeared a fan of the perimeter of the project, which was forbidden. Later, Natalia explained his participation in the show a desire to earn enough money to treat his father.
Film biography Natalia Bardo started quite early. At age 14, she appeared in the role of Lisa in the controversial film Natalia Bondarchuk “Pushkin: Last Duel”. Then aspiring actress starred in several other television series. One of them, entitled “Cursed Paradise” was broadcast on NTV 2 years from 2006.
The first full-length tape was Bardot movie “For your sake,” where Natalia appeared with Ivan Zhidkov. But thanks to the actress came only after the acclaimed youth series “Golden: Barvikha-2.” Here she played the heroine Christine Meder – Krasnodar daughter of a wealthy businessman, who moved to the capital.
Serial role of Natalia Bardo interspersed with work in feature films. In 2009, screens out an art film “Moscow, I love you”, where Natalia has appeared in a short story called “Taxi Driver.”
In summer 2010, Natalia Krivozub officially announced the change of name. She said that the famous name Bardot wore a great-grandmother of Natasha, who is married to a French perfumer Francisco Bardot and moved to Paris.
Currently Natalia Bardo filmography includes more than 20 roles. In 2012, the actress appeared in the melodrama “Veronica lost happiness”, in the same year on the screens out comedy “The Love for Russia” Armen Gevorgyan.
In 2013 th Natalia Bardo got stellar role in the adventure film “Mountaineer” Arsho Harutyunyan. This domestic thriller about the search for hidden diamonds in the mountains, to seek accomplices who sent a team led by crime boss.
In autumn 2014, the screens out series called “Angelica. The girl of his dreams. ” Natalya Bardo here again got stellar role: she played the character named Juliana, a rival of Angelica. The film was broadcast on channel TNT and received warm reviews audiences.
The resulting school years music education handy Natalia Bardot in her career. In April 2011, the actress presented her first solo project. It happened on the day of the birth of Natalia. The program included the singles “Alejandro”, “Bummer,” “I want to scream,” “Raindrops” and others.
The actress and singer and is known for his charity work. Natalya Bardo regularly visits children’s homes, orphanages and hospitals. For his charitable projects she recognized as the winner of the international award “Pride Women” and received an award “Woman of the world.”
Personal life
In January 2009, the personal life of Natalia Bardo becomes a subject of discussion in the media. The actress married entrepreneur Sergey Rusakov. Then Natalia told us that the novel began with her future husband when she was 18 years old. Sergei was much older.
The marriage fell apart rather quickly, in 3 years. Career actress then went up rapidly, work schedule Bardot was painted on the clock. And Sergey dreamed of home and the comfort of his wife, who would constantly waiting for him in the family nest. Natalia could not abandon the career.
Now the actress is extremely reluctantly shares the details of his personal life, so journalists have to invent it, or thinking the “novels”.


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