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Biography Moby
I was born September 11, 1965 in Harlem, new York. At birth was given the name Richard Melville Hall and nicknamed ‘Moby’ was in honor of his ancestor Herman Melville. He lived in the basement in new York with his parents: James Hall and Elizabeth Hall, three pet rats, a dog named Jamie, and a cat.
1967: James Hall dies in a car accident.
1967: together with mother, Elizabeth Hall, I’m moving to the city of Danbury, Connecticut in the strange house near the city jail.
1968: love with the song ‘Proud Mary’ by CCR. Refused to leave car when I heard this piece on the radio.
Summer 1969: a trip to San Francisco for the Summer of Love. Blurry memories about meeting with John Wayne.
Autumn 1969: moving to Darien, Connecticut in a large country house grandparents: Myron Warner and Jeanette McBride Warner. From 1970 to 1975 attends Royle school Grammar. Strange fact: ever since never saw best school friend Robert Downey, Jr.
1975: Richard moved to a hunting Lodge hippies in Stratford, Connecticut.
1977: back to Darien, Connecticut.
1978: begins to take lessons of guitar-playing girls of James Taylor.
1978: learned to play the first song ‘Crocodile Rock’. Frustrated by the fact that a young “teacher” does not belong to any romantic feelings.
1979: organises the first band that played two songs: ‘Money’ by Pink Floyd and ‘Birthday’ Beatles.
1980: the first punk band called ‘The Banned’, then another ‘Uxb’, and another ‘DD” and finally, ‘Vatican Commandoes’. Begins to imitate the groups Clash and the Sex Pistols. first own compositions in the style of punk rock: ‘Housewives on Valium’ and ‘Wonder Bread’.
1982: founds the group AWOL..
1983: release of the first record ‘Hit Squad for God’ together with the Vatican Commandos.
1983: purchase of the first 4-cassette tape recorder. According to Moby, he was brown. He installed it in the basement of his mother’s home and then realized that he could record their songs and not depend on other musicians.
1984: release of the second single ‘AWOL’ band AWOL. As well as graduating high school and entering University in Connecticut, studies which did not last a year.
1984: the first experience of DJ-ing: the game in the club new York from 3 to 5 am when everyone’s drunk and asleep! A great experience for me. Ah, the memories … I lived in Darien until mid-1985. In 1986 he moved to Greenwich, Connecticut. By the way, lived next door to mom and George Bush. Very strange. I lived in the woods in a trailer on wheels, which I kindly provided one. Then Connecticut in 1988, lived on the floor of an abandoned factory, with no amenities at all.
It was illegal, but I would have liked. In my “home” cockroaches have reached the size of a Chihuahua. I could hear them running around. Disgusting. But I kind of liked. In 1987 I began to send demo version of their creations in a recording Studio NYC. 2 years of continuous failures.
1989: finally NYC showed the slightest interest in Instinct Records. In the same year I moved to new York, in a dark and dirty apartment on 14th street opposite a Mexican restaurant and a sex shop. New York definitely changed me. The release of my first single ‘Time’s Up’ , sales have reached as much as 8 copies! at this time moonlighting as a DJ in clubs: Mars, Palladium, MK, Palace de Beaute, etc. e-my First performance took place in the summer of 1990 in MK.
1990. I’m in costume. Very nervous. My second e-show at Palladium in the fall of 1990, 5,000 people. All went well, but nerve cells have been irretrievably lost. Sold more than 2000 copies of the singles. Honestly, I was shocked. Thought buy a maximum of 100 records. The release of third single ‘Voodoo Child’ took place in the winter of 1991, sold around 4,000 copies. Life began to settle down. Fourth single release ‘Go’ – spring 1991. Was hoping to sell 4,000 copies.
Sales reached one million! I even appeared on the pages of Rolling Stone as the Creator of the best singles of today. Just imagine how I was surprised. Started crazy times, the rave was on the rise. This time I managed to travel around Europe..
1992: first tour of America, was homesick, was absent for 6 long weeks.
1992: terminated the contract with Instinct and bound him with Elektra records and Mute Records. In 1993, I’m going to tour America with the Prodigy and Richie Hawtin. Much more fun than the first time.
1993: release of the single ‘Move’, which becomes the third among the top 40 songs in the UK. Unexpected success for a guy from Connecticut.
1994: the third tour of America with Orbital and Aphex Twin. Yes, quite sad happened tour. All hated me. Sad, because I loved them. Oh Yes, what I’m saying?
1995: finally released my first full length album ‘Everything is Wrong’, which became album of the year by Spin. this year I also toured with Lollapalooza and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, by the way, according to the same Spin the single ‘Everytime You Touch Me’ was voted the best in 1995. It was a great year, and then … then the dark…
1996: I began to suffer from sudden bouts of panic disorder, worked on “Animal Rights’; I really liked it, but apparently only to me. After the relative success of ‘Everything is Wrong’, I was bombarded by criticism and low sales of ‘Animal Rights’ – all this causes depression. But I still love this album, thanks to record companies who gave me to record it. Among other things my mother put a terrible diagnosis, and she suddenly dies from lung cancer.
1997: stopped touring and started writing music for films, remember the single to James bond? 8th place in the chart top 40 songs in the UK. Some relief after the fiasco of the previous work. May 1999: the entry ‘Play’ several months waiting for the contract with a new recording Studio, finally signing with V2 Records. We were hoping to sell 250 000 copies worldwide, and imagine our surprise when we sold a total of 10 million! ‘Play’ has set a record in all the countries broke platinum sales of 25 or 26 (!) time. I still don’t understand how this could all happen.


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