Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

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Description of the movie Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
After the death of the beloved grandfather, Jake receives a letter from him with the keys to the mystery that unites different worlds and times. So the boy gets to the mysterious place known as “The House of the nation’s children.” The mystery and danger exacerbated when Jake meets with residents of “House” and learn about their specific capabilities … and powerful enemies. Finally, Jake realizes that only his own “special qualities” can save your new friends.
The film is based on the eponymous novel by Ransom Riggs. There are many differences between the film and the book. For example, the ability of children lured and some male characters become women.
The director of the film was Tim Burton. He is famous for his eccentric work ( “Edward Scissorhands,” “Alice in Wonderland,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “Big Fish”). In this tape, Burton used as little as possible the visual effects and filmed right on the locations, in particular in Blackpool, United Kingdom. Samu Miss Peregrine he called “terrible Mary Poppins.” The audience will have the opportunity to see Tim as a cameo.
The main female role of Miss Peregrine played French actress Eva Green, known for his work in the films “The Dreamers” (2003), “Kingdom of Heaven” (2005), “Casino Royale” (2006), “300: Dawn of Empire” (2013) . The main actor Jacob played a 19-year-old actor Asa Butterfield, who previously starred in the film “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” (2008), “The Keepers of Time” (2011) and “Ender’s Game” (2013).
The first picture was presented September 25, 2016 at the Fantastic Fest in the capital of Texas, Austin, USA. After this, the film has already had the opportunity to see the people of many countries, including the US, UK, Israel, Canada, Brazil, Spain and others.
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