Mechanic: Resurrection

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Original title: Mechanic: Resurrection
Genre: Action, Thriller, Crime
Year: 2016
Duration: 110 min
Director: Dennis Gansel
Arthur Bishop prefers to forget my past, battered after all the money it cost the lives of others. The man was a professional killer, to perform the most complex orders. His responsible approach to business hero spectacular thriller “The Mechanic: Resurrection” was able to earn a proper authority in certain circles, making it the undisputed leader in the field of illicit removal of competitors, or simply unwanted people. All of his crimes seemed perfect – the evidence has always pointed to the fact that the victim committed suicide. With this Arthur has been elusive for the representatives of the law. But now everything is in the past, because the former way of life seems wrong hero. One day he decided to start a new life, but the kidnapping of his girlfriend caused a man to return to the past. Bishop issued an ultimatum: the life of a loved one in exchange for the three murders. Three difficult cases and a great test for the killer, who decided to embark on the path of correction. What will Arthur in a difficult situation? Will he again to take the lives of innocent people in order to save one or will try to find another way out of this situation?
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