Me Before You
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In life it happens so many touching stories that highlight all of them and not enough of a lifetime. This write books and make films, but feel every moment of this touching moment, not given to everyone. Heavy tests sometimes bring real joy and happiness, but it needs to go through a lot of difficult situations. With the main characters of the film take place different events and their outcome, in consequence, he brought them together. They have nothing in common, and they do not understand each other, but people staying for a long time together, crossed the line and begin to trust each other a little. So it was with our heroes. Lou Clark is a very interesting woman. Her unusual vision of life interfere with her work. It changed a lot of places, and is now looking for a new way to make money.
For her, I found only one option – to care for a disabled person. Lou immediately agreed to it and that’s what happened acquaintance of two opposites. Will a serious and self-confident young man, but fate brought him a serious blow. He was very active and loved to relax, but at one point he was hit by a motorcyclist, and now he spends his days in a wheelchair. But now he’s got Lou, which he sent to her to look after him. She immediately struck him as strange, because she loves bright colors and does not behave like the others. She lives the way she wants and constantly smiling when a Will is going through because of the accident occurred. Between them runs a spark, when Traynor understands that this is the girl that he really needs. With its appearance of his life he began to play with bright colors, but his injuries are not retreating, and it only gets worse. Lu is not going to retreat, because Will has become very dear to her, he had brought into her life the seriousness and responsibility. Will they be able to stay together, or fate separates two loving hearts?
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