Ma Loute
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Year: July 7, 2016
Country: France
Genre: Comedy, Comedy Films
Director: Bruno Dumont
Actors: Fabrice Luchini, Juliette Binoche, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Jean-Luc Vincent, Brandon Lavevil
Duration: 122 min.polny film
The film «Ma Loute» 2016 – takes place in the heavenly place on the Atlantic coast. At this point, a lot of hotels and beaches, here thousands of tourists eager to enjoy an unforgettable holiday. And suddenly, at this resort a few missing campers. During the investigation come from local detectives Malfoy and Masha. Finding detectives reveal clues about the incident prichastnochti Brefort a local family, which owns the ferry. Head of the family wears nickname Bessmerny. Around this family is spinning a lot of rumors and legends, the meaning of which is that Brefort sometimes indulge yourself delicacies of human flesh. Nearby live another strange femeli – Van Peteghem. For others is the secret of their material well-being. The neighbors are asking “Where such wealth? Do they foraged theft? “. Two families – the alleged cannibals and thieves – at war with each other as the Montagues and the Capulets. Intriguing plot adds that young Billy painted and of these families fell in love and they fall the fate of Romeo and Juliet. In the meantime, covered anxiety because the disappearance of people, tourists begin to massively leave the coast. From hard and quickness detectives depends on the reputation of the town. How this story will end, viewers will learn by looking comedy «Ma Loute».
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