Lady of Csejte

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Delicate and charming beauty Svetlana Hodchenkova transforms not just a vamp, but this monster in human form. The reason for that intense gloomy thriller «Lady of Csejte» from producer franchises “Paranomalnoe phenomenon” and “Astral”. This shocking and frightening to tingling story is based on a completely unbelievable, but unfortunately, a true story. Who lived in the Austro-Hungarian of the XVII century in a luxurious castle of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, he went down in history not only as a noble and influential beauty, but also as a ruthless serial killer. Her victims were about 650 young innocent girls whose blood is used, if you believe the rumors, for rejuvenation. We also know that for fun Bathory practiced torture peasant daughters. Countess entered the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most popular serial killers in the history of mankind. With concealed wall embattled Hungarian castle, can be viewed online in the thriller «Lady of Csejte».
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