Jeremy Brett

Jeremy Brett

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Birthday: 03.11.1933 year
Age: 61 years
Place of birth: Berkswell, UK
Date of death: 12.09.1995 of the year
Place of death: London, UK
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Original name: Peter Jeremy William Huggins
Jeremy Brett is an English actor, known primarily as the performer of the role of Sherlock Holmes.
Peter Jeremy William Huggins was born in an aristocratic family and educated at Eton. Despite the fact that he had dyslexia, Peter excelled at singing and was in the choir of the College. Later he began to study dramatic art, however, the profession of an actor was incompatible with the kind of honor, so Peter’s father demanded that he took another name – and at the Central school of dramatic arts and speech in London was one of Jeremy Brett.
He first appeared on stage as an actor-a professional in 1954, at the Manchester Library Theatre, and in 1956 made his debut on the London stage in a production of ‘Troilus and Cressida’. In the same year he made his first appearance on Broadway in ‘Richard II’. In the future, Jeremy is very often going to the role in classic plays, including numerous productions of Shakespeare in the ‘Old Vic’ and the Royal National Theatre.
Since the early 1960s, Brett never left the TV screens of Britain. He starred in numerous TV series, including the role of D’artagnan in ‘the Three Musketeers’ in 1966.
Some of the roles were comic, but those were in the minority. Usually Jeremy starred in classic paintings – for example, in 1973, he, along with Lawrence Olivier and Joan Plowright played the TV version of Shakespeare’s ‘the merchant of Venice’ (and before that the same trio performed in the same play the same roles in a production of the Royal National Theatre).
In the movie Brett was shot relatively little. However, he played in such blockbuster of its time, as ‘My fair lady’ (1964). In the film, he sang, but in the end his voice was duplicated. Brett proved that it still has not lost his vocal gift in 1968 in the movie ‘the Merry widow’.
Twice Brett auditioned for the role of bond for the first time after Sean Connery; then Jeremy lost to Aussie George, Lazenby. And the second time Brett walked Roger Moore.
The last time Brett appeared in cinemas after his death in the 1996 film ‘the moll Flanders’. There he played a small role in father of the artist – and was not even noted in the credits.
All who saw and most importantly heard Brett was impressed by his great pronunciation. From childhood he suffered from rhotacism and could not properly pronounce the sound ‘R’, but a successful surgery and constant self improvement has helped him to achieve excellent diction.
Brett starred in films and television for over 40 years and had played many roles, but the most famous of them remains the role of Sherlock Holmes in ‘the Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ version of the Granada Television; it was a series of films made between 1984 and 1994 based on the works of Conan-Doyle’s scripts George.Hawksworth and some other writers. Brett starred in 41 series and ‘survived’ two Watson.
After this star role Jeremy Brett starred less and less, and remained in the memory of the audience first and foremost as ‘the best Holmes’ of his time. By the way, in 1980, Brett played Watson in the Los Angeles film adaptation of one of the stories about the detective, and thus became one of only three actors who during his career managed to play Watson and Holmes.
To prepare for the filming of the show Brett had filled 77 pages – there were all that concerned his hero, until he eats and drinks. Good actor, according to Jeremy Brett must be like a sponge, squeezed itself from his whole person and absorbent, like a liquid, identity of your character.
Brett played Holmes with all my heart, fully playing your character, and gradually the pursuit of the perfect execution of this role became a kind of obsession. However, the actor himself until the end of life and did not realize that I was mentally ill…
In 1985, died of cancer the second wife of Brett; this has exacerbated the already volatile mental state of the actor, and he eventually after a nervous breakdown in the hospital. Now he had to constantly take pills provide including narcotic effect, causing excess weight, problems with lungs and heart (on the set, he sometimes needed an oxygen mask – but ‘the show must go on’, as he himself has said)…
In the last decade of his life Jeremy Brett was more than once in the hospital because of mental disorders, 12 Sep 1995, died at his home in London: heart.
In 1958, Jeremy Brett married the actress Anna Massey, in 1959, was born their son David, and in 1962, the couple separated. In 1977 Brett found her, without exaggeration, mate – Joan Sullivan, producer, PBS; Joanne and Jeremy were married. And on July 4, 1985, she died of cancer.


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