Jane Levy

Jane Levy

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Name: Jane Levy (Jane Levy)
Date of Birth: December 29, 1989
Age: 26 years
Place of birth: Los Angeles
Height: 157
Activities: Actress
Marital status: divorced
Jane Levy: biography
Jane Levy – American actress, known for the Russian audience the film “Evil Dead: black book.” She was born on December 29, 1989 in Los Angeles. Her parents – creative people: the father – a musician, my mother – an artist.
Jane’s childhood passed in Marin County (Northern California), where she went to school. Levy studied well in high school seriously engaged in hip-hop and led the women’s soccer team. Simultaneously with these hobbies Jane actively participated in local theater productions.
The actress recalls her school years with pleasure, because it was popular, everyone knew it. But the popularity has not prevented the girl to maintain good friendly relations with students. Probably, while Jane Levy and realized that he wanted to be an actress. After high school, she enrolled at Goucher College, but she studied there for only a semester. After leaving college, Jane moved to New York and enrolled at the Actors Studio. There she studied art for two years of drama, and then returned to Los Angeles.
His first role Jane received shortly after his return. She occasionally appeared on the screen in the first season of the series “Shameless” as Mandy. In early 2011, fortune smiled aspiring actress – she took the lead role in the comedy series “Suburbs”. Director and producer has not confused the fact that Jane portfolio is only one secondary role, it is not enough experience. The actress did not disappoint them. In the role of Tessa Altman, it was gorgeous, critics and audiences responded well to the series, and TV Guide magazine named her one of the stars of the year. Later, the actress and Forbes included in the top 30 rising stars.
In spring 2012, viewers saw another film starring Jane Levy – “Nobody goes away.” In the same year came the comedy “Shorty,” in which she played a central role. February 3, 2012 it was announced that Jane will star in the title role of “Evil Dead”. Producers have conceived remake of the 1981 thriller. Already next year, viewers saw a new version of the horror film “Evil Dead: black book” in which Levi played a drug addicted Mia. Initially this role was to play Lily Collins, but the producers changed the decision and offered her Jane. The actress admits that not a fan of horror movies, but agreed.
The hardest thing she was given a scene where she was buried alive. She remembers how much mental and physical strength required her to be in the crude pit with a plastic bag over his head and feel like you fall asleep ground. Fortunately, behind the ear Levi was an oxygen tube, through which she breathed.
In winter 2013 was to begin shooting the film “cursed place”, where the actress plays a governess, collecting porcelain dolls. But the project is frozen. But in the following year, Jane confirmed for the lead role in «Monster Trucks» project. The film’s budget exceeded $ 100 million.
In 2016, she started acting in the lead role in the comedy series “My time / your time.” In the same year it was reported that she was cast in the continuation of the series “Twin Peaks”.
Personal life
Jane Levy was briefly married to actor Jaime Freitas. They secretly married March 3, 2011, and in October the same year, no longer lived together.
April 16, 2013 Jane Levy has filed divorce papers. In a statement, she said that she and her husband “irreconcilable differences” and immediately stated that child support for his spousal support is not going to pay.
Now the actress is living alone and completely focused on the job.


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