Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

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Original title: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Genre: Action, thriller, crime, detective, adventure
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Duration: 112 min
Director: Edward Zwick
Action adventure tells the audience about how there was life of the protagonist after the finals the previous section. We learn that he has decided to return to the past – a man once again arranged in the 110th military police station, where he was once the head. As it turns out, the protagonist of the film “Jack Reacher 2: Never go back” does not do it because of nostalgia, but for the sake of a new commander – charming mayorshi Susan Turner, who recently helped him to survive and cope with all the difficulties. It Susan his pleasant and exciting voice informed Jack on the phone information that helped him get away. Now he wants to thank the girl personally, but when comes to the part, then learns that her recently suffered a misfortune. The woman was in jail because of the suspicion of receiving a large bribe. Moreover, a man discovers that he is now added problems because he is suspected of a bloody murder committed more than fifteen years ago. Remarkably, the hero of the crime does not remember anything. Now he needs to find out whether connected with each other their problems and the arrest of Susan, or is it some kind of an unfortunate situation.
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