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Year: 2016
Country: USA, Japan, Hungary, Turkey
Directed by: Ron Howard
Starring: Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones, Ben Foster, Irrfan Khan, Omar Sy, SIDS, Babette Knudsen, Ana Ular, Ida Darvish, Kata Sarbu, Attila Arp
Description of the film Inferno
Continuation of a series of exciting mystery stories based on the eponymous bestseller by Dan Brown. In the title role, one of the most popular actors of our time, Tom Hanks.
Professor of religious symbology, Robert Langdon arrives in Florence, and soon finds himself in the mysterious cycle of events that can lead to the death of humanity. And the only answer to the mystery, the encrypted in the immortal Dante is able to prevent the inevitable …
By making this film made efforts many famous and titled people. The director of the film was winner of the award “Oscar” for the band “Mind Games,” Ron Howard. Composer – the notorious Hans Zimmer, owner of “Oscar” for the soundtrack to the animated film “The Lion King” and nine-time nominee of the prestigious film award. CAST’s just incredible: the previously mentioned Tom Hanks (two-time winner of the gold statuette for the tape “Philadelphia” and “Forres Gump”), Omar Sy ( “1 + 1”), Felicity Jones ( “Stephen Hawking’s Universe”) and others.
During filming the title was “Headache” because one of the bases of the plot – a small amnesia protagonist.
Sami began filming April 27, 2015 in Venice, Italy. The release is planned for December 18 of the same year, but the bosses moved the tape output to the world on October 14, 2016.
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