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About the film
The plot adventure fantasy blockbuster “Hercules” did not put the ancient Greek myth and comic “Hercules: The Thracian Wars” which is a free interpretation of the myth about the adventures of the legendary demigod polucheloveka and son of the mighty Zeus – Hercules. With the power of God and the human soul, Hercules made 12 feats that made him famous forever, but they also destroyed his family life and led to terrible deeds.
Driven by his past, Hercules travels around the world with a few faithful friends, warriors, who, just as he had lost faith in himself. Using its former glory the son of Zeus plays the role of a mercenary, fighting with the enemy for the gold. The next task for the company of friends is the protection of the Thracian king Cotys and his daughter from neubivaemy mortals minions of Hades. Hercules take up the matter, deciding to remind the whole world that he is a real hero, but it is very confusing and dangerous, as well as the intentions of the king Cotys.
Year: 2014
Country: USA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Directed by Brett Ratner
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, John Hurt
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