Halle Berry

Halle Berry

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Halle Berry – the first in the history of cinema black actress, who became the owner of “Oscar”. Laureate of the “Golden Globe” and “Emmy.” Actress, model Dark Tide and simply beautiful.
Halle Maria Berry was born on August 14, 1966 in Cleveland (Ohio). His name was due to the supermarket “Holly Sided”. Mom Holly, a white woman, served as a nurse in a clinic for the mentally ill. His father, an African American, he met with his mother at a time when he himself was in a psychiatric hospital. However, a little later the father of the future star left the clinic and began to work as a driver. When Holly was four years old, he left the family. Two girls, Holly and her older sister, Heidi, educated single mother.
After graduating from high school, the future star got a job in a supermarket, where she worked for some time in the children’s department of a consultant. While working in a supermarket Holly try their luck and went to college. There she quickly realized ambitions, consolidating its leadership. So she led the first newspaper published the college, then became prefect of the course, and after, and the captain of the team cheerleader. Being a woman, having a spectacular appearance, Halle Maria Berry began to participate in beauty contests and even won the cup “Miss Ting Across America” in 1985, and then, a year after the teenage beauty contest, was “Miss Ohio”. In the same 1986 Helly he received the title of “First United States vice-miss”, and became the first black contender for the title of “Miss World” on US history.
Took sixth place in the contest “Miss World”, Holly went to Illinois to try herself as an actress. Her first job was the role of Emily Franklin in “Living Dolls.” “Living Doll” was a continuation of serials television movie “Who’s the Boss?”. During filming, Holly learned that suffer from diabetes. After shooting in the “Living Dolls” Holly was invited by Spike Lee and co-starred in his movie “Love Fever”, appeared on the screen as a drug-addicted women.
In 1992 she, along with Eddie Murphy worked on the comedy movie “Boomerang”. After working in “Boomerang” she got a role in the film “The case of Isaiah,” “Race the Sun” and “Executive Decision.” In yielding to Berry year, 1996, she signed a contract with Revlon, becoming the face of the company. In 1998, critics noted the excellent play Holly in the movie “Bulvord” good reviews and the film “Why do fools fall in love.”
A year later, she played a symbolic role in the movie “Introducing Dorothy Dendrizh”, playing the first black actress to be nominated for “Oscar”. For performing this role, Holly Marie Berry received the “Emmy” and “Golden Globe”. And in 2001 she was awarded the “Oscar” for her role as Leticia in the film “Monster’s Ball.” Thus Halle Berry became the first African-American woman, the award-winning Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the main role.
Holly played komiksovoy superhero “Storm” in three parts of the classic trilogy, “X-Men” and also starred in “Password – ‘Swordfish'” Dominic Sena, which acted as Ginger and first appeared on screen naked. She then starred in bondiane, where she played Dzhisintu “Jinx” Johnson, becoming the latest Bond girl played by Pierce Brosnan. For his role as Jinx Halle Berry she received four million dollars. Helly was married twice. Daughter.


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