Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres

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Ellen DeGeneres
Birthday: 1/26/1958, the
Age: 58 years
Place of birth: Meteyo, Louisiana, USA
Citizenship: United States

The most fun and favorite American woman
DeGeneres – Leading entertainment talk show “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show ‘and the favorite of the American public. She has written three books, opened a record company ‘Eleveneleven’ and received thirteen statuettes Emmy. Ellen was the first open lesbian, played a lesbian character in the television series.
Ellen Lee DeGeneres was born on January 26, 1958-th in the METAR, Louisiana (Metairie, Louisiana), a speech therapist in the family insurance agent and Betty Everett Elliott DeGeneres. She has an older brother, Vance DeGeneres (Vance DeGeneres), who became a producer and musician.
Up to 13 years old Ellen was brought up in accordance with the teachings of the Church Sayentistskoy. In 1973, her parents divorced, and a year later formalized divorce. Shortly thereafter, Betty married a traveling salesman Roy Gryussendorfa. Vance was the father.
At the end of high school in May 1976, DeGeneres attended this year at the School of Grace King, then entered the University of New Orleans, which has chosen as core subjects means of communication. After one semester, Ellen dropped out and got along with cousin Laura Gillen in a law firm, which performed clerical work.
DeGeneres pobyla waitress, bartender and painter, but started to make a major career in the world of stand-up comedy, performing in small clubs and coffee houses. As the main sources of inspiration at the dawn of a comedy career DeGeneres named Woody Allen (Woody Allen) and Steve Martin (Steve Martin).
By 1981, Ellen was the master of ceremonies in the ‘Clyde’s Comedy Club’ in New Orleans (New Orleans). In the early 1980s comedian has toured all over the country; in 1982, ‘the Showtime’ channel called DeGeneres’ The most ridiculous person in America. ”
As an actress, Ellen starred in the comedy “Coneheads ‘(‘ Coneheads ‘) and a series of paintings under the title” The Adventures of Ellen’ ( ‘Ellen’s Energy Adventure’). In 1992, producers Neal Marlens (Neal Marlens) and Carol Black (Carol Black) made a major star DeGeneres sitcom ‘Laurie Hill’, which closed after one season. However, the producers were impressed by the actress Ellen and soon appeared in other TV series, ‘These Friends of Mine’, to which a hand David S. Rosenthal (David S. Rosenthal).
Glorified in the sector ‘observational humor’, DeGeneres is seen by many as the “female version Senfilda ‘(meaning Jerry Seinfeld). Ellen’s popularity peaked in February 1997, when the comedian on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ ( ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’) openly declared its homosexual. In April of the same year, DeGeneres, one can say again admitted his homosexuality in ‘The Puppy Episode’ sitcom ‘Ellen’ episode. Her heroine tells all her therapist, played by Winfrey.
‘The Puppy Episode’ The episode became the highest rating in the history of the sitcom, which was closed in May of 1998. DeGeneres returned to the world of stand-up comedy, and eventually became a successful TV presenter. In 2001, ‘Ellen’ was launched ( ‘The Ellen Show’), and in September 2003, started rating talk show “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show ‘(‘ The Ellen DeGeneres Show ‘). The latter, in his first season on the day claimed Emmy eleven times and won in four categories. For the first three seasons of the talk show was attended by 25 figurines Emmy.
After Cuming-out DeGeneres start a romantic relationship with actress Anne Heche (Anne Heche), which remained until August of 2000. In his book ‘Love, Ellen’ Ellen says that Betty DeGeneres was initially shocked by the revelation of her daughter, but later became one of its most ardent defenders.
From 2001 to 2004, Ellen has maintained close relations with the actress, director and photographer Alexandra Hedison (Alexandra Hedison). The couple appeared on the cover of the magazine ‘The Advocate’ after it became aware of the rupture of relations.
Since 2004, DeGeneres linked with actress Porsche De Rossi (Portia de Rossi). When the state of California enacted a law that allows you to enter into a same-sex marriage, Ellen and Portia have taken advantage of this opportunity over the next five months. They were married August 16, 2008 th at his home in Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, California), where the couple lives with four dogs and three cats. September 23, 2010 the first companion Ellen officially changed her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres.
Being vegan, DeGeneres calls himself ‘a great lover of animals’. It participates in the life of vegan site ‘Going Vegan with Ellen’. Comedian even planning to open a vegan ‘Bokado’ tapas bar in Los Angeles (Los Angeles), but the project failed. In 2009 Ellen was awarded the title of “Woman of the Year ‘by the organization PETA.
In April 2013, DeGeneres has donated 25 thousand dollars to fight the ban on the activities of secret informants in Tennessee (Tennessee), providing a record of abuse frames with animals on farms.
In 2014 Ellen second time acted as the leading ceremony Oscar. As it became known later, a new world record was set at the ceremony. Made selfie stars led by DeGeneres less than an hour was the ‘Retweet’ (distributed in social network ‘Twitter’) more than a million times.
On selfie sealed set of stars of the first echelon, including Channing Tatum (Channing Tatum), Meryl Streep (Meryl Streep), Julia Roberts (Julia Roberts), Jennifer Lawrence (Jennifer Lawrence) and Bradley Cooper (Bradley Cooper). In addition, in the picture you can see Jared Leto (Jared Leto), Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie), Kevin Spacey (Kevin Spacey), Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt), Lupita Nyong’o (Lupita Nyong’o) and her brother Peter Nyong’o (Peter Nyong’o).
According to estimates ‘Forbes’, the total profit for 2015, DeGeneres was the first order of $ 75 million. This year the magazine named Ellen ’50 th most influential person in the world ‘. It also got the second place in the list of ‘World Pride Power’, which included various representatives of the LGBT community.


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