Ellen Burstyn

Ellen Burstyn

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Cinema plays often the fate of the actors. Built on the success of the summit, he sometimes ruthlessly discards actor to reach the heights, leaving him to be content with only minor roles. Not escaped this fate and delightful Ellen Burstin.
December 7, 1932 in Michigan came into the girl Edna Ray Dzhilluli, which later become world famous under the name of Ellen Burstyn. Shortly after the birth of the baby, her parents divorced. Ellen Childhood can not be called cloudless. It passed in constant quarrels with his stepfather, on the side that always rose mother Edna. Throughout his life, the girl tried to find his own father, but none of the attempts failed.
When Edna was 18, she left home and start an independent life. Slim, beautiful and plastic girl began to work in a circus acrobat, parallel posing for promotional pictures of yellow pages books. Finally she was lucky – Enda played in 1957 in the musical “fair game.” It has been noticed, and she began to receive invitations to castings for shooting episodes.
Consistently following the cherished goal – to get acting training in 1964 Enda graduated from drama school and receives his first major role. She will work in the serial film “Doctors.”
The dizzying success comes to the End of the time when it becomes Ellen Burstyn in 1970. Alias was a happy one. Underneath she was working on the painting “Alex in Wonderland” and “Oscar” became the owner in 1975. This striking example of female intuition actress. After reviewing the picture scenario, it buys the rights to her statement and trusts work on it a little-known young director Martin Scorsese. Before receiving the coveted award she was nominated for this award twice, but to no avail. Desperate to get “Oscar”, Helen was sure that will not get him a third time, and at the ceremony did not go very sorry about all the years.
Not limited to the shooting in a movie, Ellen Burstyn appeared on the stage. 1975 became a triumph for the talented actress – she gets more and the prize “Tony” for his work in the acclaimed plays.
Film credits is extensive. During his long and rich creative life, she has participated in films completely different genres. Working on the role, the actress were laid completely live in his heroine. Early in his career, acting in one scene of the film “The Exorcist”, where her character forcibly take off with the Ottoman, the actress received a strong bruise. The pain was terrible, and cry in this film are not talented game, it’s real. After this injury lifetime Ellen Burstyn suffered aching pain in the spine, but continues to selflessly give themselves to each role in a movie.
After a rich reward in the 1975 actress takes a break and can not be removed three years. Cinema ruthless, and the gap in the shooting Ellen played a cruel joke – more than 20 years, it was not the main roles until 2000. But the actress is not discouraged and is actively engaged in social activities, taking advantage of great prestige among the actors.
In 2006, Enda was the center of the scandal that erupted around her a nomination for the “Emmy” for his work in the movie “Mrs. Harris.” The fact that Ellen Burstyn appears there for a very short time and says a little more than 30 words. Then the actress joked about this, that we can even nominate her for the prize for the painting, where it can not be removed at all.
Who is the actress of 80, but it continues to be engaged in business all my life to this day. In 2014, the screens released film “Interstellar”, where Ellen appeared as a main character in the elderly.
Personal life
The actress had been married three times. However, all marriages were unsuccessful, have gone so far that the third husband Neil Burstyn, 10 years after his marriage began to suffer from clouding his mind. Ellen has not left him, cared for him, because he did a three-year break from the fatal shootings. Nile disease progressed, and it so happened that Ellen was subjected to violence from his side. Given the fact of marriage, and schizophrenia, the police did not find his actions malice. In 1978, he committed suicide. Neil’s parents blamed his death, Ellen Burstyn and sent her a telegram of congratulations after the funeral.
Actress – vegetarian and lead a healthy and sober lifestyle. Ellen profess Sufism and practices yoga. This religion encourages actress in 1999 to try the life of a simple man, and in 1999 she spends 3 days in a busy city without a livelihood and shelter. Impressions were indelible. In 2006, this amazing woman released autobiography.


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