Doctor Strange

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Before us is another reel of film about superheroes. “Doctor Strange” – a total of 14 minutes in a row film introduces the viewer to the Marvel Universe. The plot is a former neurosurgeon who can not engage in their favorite work. But this is only part of the blame on Steven sorrow, because of the accident, where a man received multiple injuries, his hands deprived the former sensitivity, he has lost much more – the meaning of life. That ill-fated day a car wreckage died beloved wife of Stephen, and their unborn child. Taken together, it becomes for a man so powerful blow that he is trying to find a new purpose for which to live. This desire pushes the hero on a journey that will soon begin to change his destiny, bringing Stephen on the road to the world, the existence of which he had no idea. Traveling around the country in search of healing for your body and soul, Strange enters the ancient monastery, located in West Asia. There he met with the Elder – female sage, possessing amazing abilities that it immediately shows it. Elder tells the hero of the truth about the true structure of the world that makes the former physician to become a powerful mage.
Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Tilda Swinton, Mads Mikkelsen, Rachel McAdams, Scott Adkins, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Stulbarg, Benedict Wong, Amy Landecker, Juan Feliz
Director: Scott Derrickson
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