
Creed wallpapers for your PC, Android Device, Iphone or Tablet PC. If you want to download Creed High Quality wallpapers for your desktop, please download this wallpapers above and click «set as desktop background». You can share this wallpaper in social networks, we will be very grateful to you.
The film tells the story of the son of former world boxing champion Apollo Creed, who at one time was the first serious contender Rocky Balboa in the ring. At that time they had two match, the results of which Apollo has lost the title. However, years later, once rivals in the ring became best friends and support each other in difficult times. At Creed’s Jr. in some measure manifested talent father, and he decides to devote his life to boxing. But to conquer the peaks of professional sport it is necessary to find a decent coach, Creed and appealed for help to grown old Rocky, which is not too eager to go back to the old cases, even as a mentor …
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