
Cinderella wallpapers for your PC, Android Device, Iphone or Tablet PC. If you want to download Cinderella High Quality wallpapers for your desktop, please download this wallpapers above and click «set as desktop background». You can share this wallpaper in social networks, we will be very grateful to you.
Ella young girl whose father, after the death of the couple, married for the second time. Soon he was forced for a time to leave home, and then his daughter was left alone with his shrewish stepmother Lady Tremaine and her jealous daughters, Anastasia and Drizelloy. From this point of the mistress of the house, it turned into an ordinary maid, performs absolutely all the housework. Her face is so often soiled with ash that quarrelsome stepsisters even come up to her nickname – Cinderella. But in spite of all the trials, she does not forget the words of his dying mother, and continues to believe in goodness. One day, she meets a young boy in the woods, not even knowing that soon her life will change most dramatically …
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