Bridget Jones’s Baby

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In recent years, the life of Bridget Jones’s energetic changed much: she was divorced with Mark Darcy, unable to bear his busy schedule, lose weight, acquired an apartment in the heart of London and got a superb job in the television studio. Despite such a dramatic change, personal life heroine still leaves much to be desired. His 43 birthday she has to meet alone, but she did not lose hope to meet the perfect man, with whom she will spend the rest of life. Once Bridget goes to a music festival, where he met with a handsome billionaire Jack Quantum, which it would be also very ponravilas.Kazalos now lives Bridget precisely adjusted, because she finally met the perfect man in all respects. Here are just at the christening of the child’s friends to heroine nahlynivayut memories and she spends the night with Mark, who happened to be free. Bridget soon learns of her pregnancy, but the complexity and comic of the situation is that she does not know which of the two men of the child’s father. The heroine to make a difficult choice between Mark, to which she still feels something, and rich handsome Jack.
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Duration: 01: 53; 57
Director: Sharon Maguire
Starring: Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Sally Phillips, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Shirley Henderson, Ben Uillbond, Paul Bentall
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