
Ben-Hur wallpapers for your PC, Android Device, Iphone or Tablet PC. If you want to download Ben-Hur High Quality wallpapers for your desktop, please download this wallpapers above and click «set as desktop background». You can share this wallpaper in social networks, we will be very grateful to you.
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Time: 98 minutes (full movie)
Rich and noble citizen of the Roman Empire, Ben-Hur is a quiet and measured life, communicating with the same people, like himself. It suits the high society and all the privileges of wealth. But once in his life he bursts into an old friend, a very honorable man, his name is Messala, and he is now the Roman tribune. At first, they manage a very nice talk, remember the old days, but one wrong word, and between old friends is a conflict. It ends all that Massana fabricates charges against Ben-Hur, and that immediately deprived of the title, and sold into slavery as a punishment. Now he is one, and he has become one of the thousands of slaves who all day paddle on the board of his master. Not one day Ben-Hur nurtured and developed his plan of revenge offender, he waited patiently for the opportunity to realize our plans, and is turned up. On the ship they attacked, and it was damaged. The man managed to escape, and he survived only because of the mast, which fell into the water when the ship hit by a shell. When they reached the island, he met a man who agreed to help him. He trained to participate in the chariot race, where the main character face to face with his opponent.
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