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The years of World War II. Czechoslovakia rent Nazi troops without firing a shot, and the army of Hitler rather quickly manage to occupy the territory of this country. Germany built the country’s military plants, which should help it to further conquests. But because of resistance to the regime by local rebels efficiency of the plants is greatly reduced, and this threatens the entire plan. To suppress the riots, the establishment of order and the destruction of the rebels Hitler directs Czechoslovakia Reich Security chapter of Reinhard Heydrich. He is famous for his brutal methods, for which he deservedly earned the nickname “the butcher of Prague”. Pretty soon it is possible to achieve some success, and allied countries decide to carry out the operation to remove Reinhard. In 1942, for the operation under the code name “Anthropoid” in Prague comes two best agents – Czech Jan Kubis and Slovak Jozef Gabčík. They are supported by all the local resistance to prepare and carry out the operation to remove Reinhard, who had executed thousands of people, and his murder may change the course of the entire war. Yang and Joseph find their cover in the face of the two local beauties, performing the role of their loved ones, who are also part of the resistance, and start the implementation of an important plan.
Year: 2016
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Thriller, War, Biography
Duration: 2:00:38
Director: Sean Ellis
Starring: Jamie Dornan, Cillian Murphy, Brian Caspe, Karel Gerzhmanek, Khan Freykova, Sean Mahon, Jean Hayek, Marcin Dorochinsky, Toby Jones
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