Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen

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One of the most famous and colorful of American actors who embodied on the screen and in the theater, it seems, all the possible roles. The founder of a dynasty actor and human rights advocate – Martin Sheen is proud that he is – an Irishman and a Spaniard.
Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez was born on August 3, 1940 in a large poor family in the town of Dayton, Ohio, USA. He was one of ten children of Spanish emigrants and Irish. The family was Catholic, rigorous, perhaps, so Ramon Estevez took a later stage name Martin Sheen in honor of the Catholic archbishop and theologian Fulton J. Sheen. And the name of Martin – in honor of Robert Dale Martin, BBC casting director, who listened to the future actor and became his friend.
Interest in the film, the actor appeared from an early age, but his father was strongly opposed and insisted on entering the University of Dayton. But the young man ignored the opinion of the pope and left for New York. With money to help a family friend, a Catholic priest.
“University” of the future actor became his numerous works on different subjects: he was a janitor, messenger, car washer, the seller of soda, a porter. And Ramon is not just carried out his duties, he has to notice the characters, watching psychology, losing himself those people’s lives that he had ever met. All this baggage of knowledge useful to him later in the acting profession.
His career Martin Sheen began on the stage, on Broadway, and in 1964 was nominated for the prestigious theater prize “Tony” for his role as Timmy Cleary in the play “If not for the roses”, which later the same name was filmed, who also became the first bus notable work in film. And then went to the offer: “Catch 22”, “Pursuit,” “anger,” “Catholics”, “Crime Club”, “Wasteland”. In the late seventies the most stellar offer to star in a movie for Martin Sheen was a proposal by Francis Ford Coppola. The role of Captain Benjamin Willard, the film “Apocalypse Now”. Many film critics consider this the best role in the filmography of Martin Sheen, who brought him worldwide recognition. Few people know that, achieving the maximum likelihood, Coppola was not opposed to playing a drunk, drunk and drives the actor himself into a depression. As a result of such experiments tire suffered a heart attack, and it was the termination of the shooting. But nothing happened, and the film became a classic of cinema, one of the best pictures of the war in Vietnam.
And Martin Sheen continued his acting experiments, presented in different images. In original unique actor, has not received special education for more than 170 roles in film and television. In 2002, Martin Sheen starred as President Josiah Bartlet in the famous TV series “The West Wing.” In 2006, Sheen played a cop in Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed” ( “Oscar” in the category “Best Film”) and the film “Bobby,” for which Sheen was nominated for “Golden Globe”. Total Career Martin Sheen more than 10 nominations for the prize “Emmy”, of which he has won three and eight nominations for “Golden Globe”. All of his children (three sons and a daughter) – also an actor, best known for Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez. In addition kinodeyatelnosti, Martin Sheen takes
pronounced citizenship. Without his participation does not do charity or liberal action, he was repeatedly arrested for his participation in various demonstrations. “We, the actors, does not really change the world, we – we reflect it. That’s what really changes the world – is Washington, “- said the actor.
Martin Sheen says that he was very much influenced by my mother’s death, when he was 11 years old. This loss made him stronger, but at the same time made it clear that such people lose loved ones, and learn to appreciate their love even more. He is grateful to his father and family, because they support it and make it the way it is, the famous Martin Sheen.


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