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In the midst of The DOTA 2 International Championship, seeing how great success turned the launch of the game, seeing what it is capable of huge audience – especially evident in what the secret of her success. And, therefore, now is a good time to evaluate it as a product of the gaming market. After the game’s release profile publications, one after another put DOTA2 giant estimates if hypnotized by the scale of the phenomenon. But whether it is a positive phenomenon? Do DOTA2 game good?
Balance? Oh, that’s easy.
Questions with the balance mostly passed on to themselves to play – they are looking for killer combination of characters, skills and tactics themselves heartily fun using them, and then, when bored – players are still outside the battlefield can eliminate the use of the enemy team combination of characters, which seems them dangerous. “It’s amazing multi-faceted game” – in one voice repeating my gaming experts with many hundreds of hours DOTA2 counts when I preparing this material, I decided to talk to them about their hypothesis, – “even teams from the same characters you can play dozens of games and they will all be very different, “Can we together again to answer my silly question: is it good? The essence of the process is for the player to come to shovel extensively expanding pool of dozens of heroes who pay hundreds of hours of their time – for what? In order to identify and apply the successful tactics on a single card with three roads and river. Is it fun? Yes, many people believe that fun. Good if an investment of time and effort .. It is no wonder that the audience DOTA2 is mostly guys who are easily deceived in this way – students and pupils, has not value their time, and with the case of Russia – often had not seen before, “pillboxes” big games.
Valve does not take money for the win – in DOTA2 you pay only, and only for the optional, cosmetic improvements. At the same time we can see where the money collected go – they are returned to the players! The prize for first place only in the International – almost half a million dollars.
This is not my idea – I heard it even from one player, it is now considered by many, which I share, which is one of the strongest gaming marketing in our country. But with the same success can be said that Procter & Gamble finances the talent and creativity, spending the lion’s share of their enormous profits on advertising its razors and shampoo. This, by the way, my favorite story – razor Gillette Slalom Plus launched in 1985, and every few years, restarted as a new under names like Gillette Slalom Plus Sport or Gillete Slalom Plus Megahit, to win the teenagers who want to necessarily new and cool razor, but not can afford Mach3. Twenty years, millions and millions of dollars – to sell a product 85-year idiots who want it the same, but a new one. Games with three roads and the river is now ten. But only DOTA2 people pay hundreds of hours of time and a total of many millions of dollars for the fact that their three-roads and river were the largest in the world. For this they get new characters, which you need to test and apply new spending hundreds of hours and saves money for the development of Valve.
Genre real-time strategy dies, we all know that. But maybe he just has outlived his? Maybe DOTA2 play is not the potential players in RTS? Finally, I thought to build established in his review of DOTA2 exactly as you see in the text above, after the news that the already difficult destiny f2p End of Nations strategy turned and will run as a MOBA. The hypothesis that the hundreds of hours in DOTA2, leaving on an unbalanced game of the three roads and hundreds of characters with no history, could get individual RTS-projects seem to indirectly confirmed. So we return to the question posed at the beginning of this article. Positive Is this phenomenon? Do DOTA2 game good?


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