Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone

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Alicia Silverstone (Alicia Silverstone) – a popular Hollywood actress, fashion model, best known for the films “Clueless,” “Blast from the Past,” “Batman & Robin,” “worst does not happen”, “Complete chaos’. Nominated in the “Golden Globe” for starring in the TV series “Matchmaker”.
Alicia was born on October 4, 1976 in San Francisco (CA). In the family realtor Englishman-Jews, and a native of Scotland, it has become the third child. From a young age, Alicia promises to turn into a real beauty. Besides, she loved to sing and perform in front of family members. One day, she persuaded her father to arrange a photo shoot in a bathing suit. The girl was then only 6 years old. Dad helped send pictures of casting agency. Spotted a charming crumbs on the photo, agents vied with each other to call the baby to appear in advertisements in magazines and on TV. First-graders successfully combined her studies with her modeling career. In 12 years, she was able to get a role in the popular American teen TV series “The Wonder Years” (1988-1993), received the “Golden Globe”. Television fame girl, which became known not only as “a dream”. In the wake of adolescent adoration Alicia invited to shoot in film, Alan Shapiro, “Passion” (1993), which played the role of a young Silverstone Wild Child, in love with a young journalist. For this work, 17-year-old actress won two MTV awards in the categories “best villain” and “Discovery of the Year”. However, this popularity has overtaken girl when she appeared in the music videos of the popular band “Aerosmith» – «Cryin», «Amazing», «Crazy». Alicia met the group leader’s daughter – Liv Tyler, who helped get the same age in his father’s famous music videos. In one of them, and Liv Alicia appear together, which drive around in a convertible and below the intoxicating air of freedom there with the guys.
Alicia even the nickname “The Girl from Aerosmith.” The main roles in the clips of this group became Alicia golden ticket to the world of cinema. Her adored millions of teenagers around the world for its well established role of the Immaculate sex symbol, teen queen, daring and bold beauty. In 1995 the image of Alicia cemented the main role in “Clueless” movie, where her rich, successful heroine schoolgirl is trying to revive his gray life of a teacher. It was the starring role of the actress, the film was a hit of its time. Silverstone and again received a number of awards MTV awards – “The most desirable woman” and “Best Actress”. The nineties was the peak of popularity Silverstone. She starred in such commercially successful films as “Batman and Robin” (1997), which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Excess Baggage” (1997) with Benicio Del Toro, “Blast from the Past” (1999) with Christopher Walken . Subsequently the popularity of Alice slept, but it still remains one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood. In 2004, Alicia was nominated for “Golden Globe” as best actress for starring in the TV series “Matchmaker” (2003), where she plays the role of a romantic and soft counsel that instead of breeding wronged spouses unites them. Among recent works Silverstone – “like clockwork” (2011), “Vampire” (2012), where she plays a modern sexy girl.
Alicia Silverstone was to marry actor Adam Sandler, but in the end, “prodinamila” star of comedies. She married at age 28 for his longtime friend Christopher Jarecki. At 34, the actress gave birth to a first child – 5 May 2011 on light there was a boy Bear Blu.
Alicia is also known as an active defender of animal rights and vegan (vegans Company immediately recognized her “sexiest vegetarian”).


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