Tom Hardy

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Biography Tom Hardy
British actor Tom Hardy was born on September 15, 1977 in an artistic family. My mother – an artist, father – founder of commercials and sitcoms. The boy from childhood interested in acting profession. Parents reacted favorably to his choice by sending receive a decent education. Tom Hardy was in “Tower House” schools, “Reeds”, as well as the Richmond Theatre School. After Tom Hardy decided to devote his life to the theater and cinema. In 1998, Tom Hardy entered the London Drama Center and studied with a teacher who was a mentor of Anthony Hopkins.
Tom Hardy. Carier start
Pretty soon Tom left school in 2001, he was invited to play an ordinary US Army in the miniseries “Band of Brothers.” This is a picture of the Second World War was created by historian Stephen Ambrose book. Jobs, however, was noticed. Therefore, this can be called a game debut in the military thriller, 2001 “Fall” Black Hawk Down “by Ridley Scott. Historical drama based on the true story of military operations in Mogadishu and was put on the book by Mark Bowden.
Work in North Africa
In 2002, Tom moved away from military themes and appeared in the feature film by Matthew Parkhill. This melodrama “points over and». Partner Hardy became Gael Garcia Bernal. Then the actor moved to North Africa to work on another military band “Simon English footballer.” In the same year Tom went first notable role in his career. It is a clone of Captain Reman Pretona Shinzona in the sci-fi film “Enterprise.” And then followed by another remarkable work – along with Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Stewart starred in the film, which was fabulous budget – $ 60 million.
England – a new stage of creativity
But for the next job, Tom Hardy returned to England. He was lucky to play Matt thriller called «LD50: Lethal dose.” The picture came out in 2003 and told me about a group of Greenpeace-terrorists who hunted raids on laboratories to test animals.
A parallel to the actor worked in the theater. In 2003 he was even awarded the prestigious theater prize “award London Evening Standard Theatre Award» for his roles in productions of “Arabia, we are kings” and “blood.” A year later, Tom was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award as most promising newcomer in 2003. Moreover, all Hardy singled out for the same performance “Arabia, we will be kings.”
Next, the actor took part in the film “Escape from Colditz Castle” and “Layer Cake.” And then, in 2005, he was given a role in the drama series “Virgin Queen” Coke Giedroyc for the BBC. His hero – Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. It is a childhood friend of Elizabeth the First. Their relationship in the film were presented as platonic, romantic but not without a plaque.
A year later, there was just a few pictures with the actor. Hardy appeared in the role of John Fleming in the film «A for Andromeda». This painting is based on the eponymous classic science fiction series of 60-ies of the last century.
It may be noted and the work of Thomas in the historical drama “Marie Antoinette” of reckless Austrian princess who became Queen of France. The audience greeted the painting on “hurray”. Especially fans responded enthusiastically Tom Hardy, as opposed to previous work in this film the actor had a lot, and the spectators were able to enjoy a game of Tom.
“Past Life” and other works of Tom Hardy
In 2006, the actor appeared in the picture romantic comedy “The scenes of a sexual nature” Bloom, as well as the horrors of “Minotaur” and the film “Sweeney Todd.”
A year later, the actor appeared on the big screen in the film, based on real events. This TV drama “Stewart: Past Life.” Tom played the main character, turned into a homeless Stewart, on which many years mocked and perhaps driven to suicide. The game cast, plot and soundtrack – all this led to considerable interest in the picture. At the same time the actor has starred in such films as “The Flood”, “Torture Chamber”, “Medoulend” and “Oliver Twist.”
And in autumn 2008 Tom Hardy lit in gangster comedy “RocknRoll”, Guy Ritchie. The actor got the role of a gay gangster, gang member “wild bunch”, the leader of which is played Gerard Butler. It then falls for the hero of Tom.
Star Tom Hardy film career
The actor starred in “Code thief” with Antonio Banderas and Morgan Freeman, and then appeared in the film “Sucker Punch.” It is in 2008, and a year later Tom was offered a very large role in the biographical drama “Bronson” Nicolas Winding Refn. The film tells of the existence of prisoner Charles Bronson, who was born in a happy family, but the 40 years of his life in solitary confinement for various offenses. He was the most dangerous criminal in Britain. For the credibility of the role of Hardy build muscle mass by 19 kilograms.
In June of the same year, Tom worked the crime drama “buy” and has played there a gangster who earned on alcohol and drugs. The role brought Hardy nomination for the Crime Thriller Awards for Best Actor
In 2009, Tom appeared in the film adaptation of the novel by Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights”. The main role he performed brilliantly.
In 2010, Tom appeared in the play “The Long Red Road” Philip Seymour Hoffman in Chicago’s Goodman Theatre. In the press there were rave reviews about the game Tom as an alcoholic who was trying to drink away his past. The actor previously suffered from alcohol and drug dependency, but in 2003 gave up bad habits.
Another landmark work in 2010 stla released film “Warrior” a master of martial arts. However, here Hardy appeared in the role of a crazy artist.
Life Tom Hardy
In 1999, the actor married Sarah Hardy. Marriage, however, proved to be unstable. The couple divorced. Tom is the son of ex-girlfriend Rachel Speed. On the set of the movie “Wuthering Heights”, in 2009, the actor went to Charlotte Riley. A year later, followed by a proposal, but the relationship they have issued only in 2014. In October 2015 the couple had a baby.
Tom Hardy is now
Tom continues his creative career, revealing new facets of his talent. So, he co-authored the script show «Candy Chops» and «Kickapoo Dust». Both works have been successfully sold to production companies and Rob Brydon «Left Bank», respectively.
In 2014 are published two pictures of Hardy in the title role: “Lock” and “Obshchak”. In 2015, actor filmography supplemented with pictures, “Number 44,” “Mad Max: Fury Road”, “The Legend” and “Survivor.”
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