Tobin Bell

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Tobin bell (born Joseph Tobin, Jr. (born. Joseph H. Tobin, Jr.); b. On August 7, 1942, new York, USA) is an American actor, best known role as John Kramer in the film series “Saw”.
Born in Queens, new York and raised in Weymouth, Massachusetts. His mother, Eileen bell Tobin, was a talented actress of British origin.
Bell often played the role of a villain or a serial killer and all of his roles have soft, last voice; he played the killer in “the Firm,” Sydney Pollack and the Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski in the TV movie “Unabomber: The True Story”; and has more recently played the role of maniac John Kramer, a serial killer who wants others to know the value of life by a sly “games” in the movie “Saw” in 2004 and its sequel, “Saw 2” “Saw 3” “Saw 4” “Saw 5”, “Saw 6 and Saw 3D (or Saw: the final Chapter”).
In 2006 he received the award in the MTV “best villain” in 2007 and again received the same award in the same category and received the award on Fuse TV/Fangoria in the nomination “the best hangman” with a saw.
In addition to filming a television bell starred in leading roles in individual episodes of many television shows such as “Charmed”, “Seinfeld”, “Nikita”, “the x-files”, “Stargate: SG-1”, “Spy”, “the West wind”, “the Pretender”, “the Sopranos”, “NYPD Blue”, “24”, “er” and “Walker, Texas Ranger”.
3 Oct 2009 bell received the title of best villain in the series on the awarding of the Chiller-Eyegore.
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