The Clash

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Their music is considered “classic punk” song became the basis for the creativity of many musicians worldwide. Unfortunately, without knowledge of the English language, many of their songs are perceived as noise, but for students who speak English, it is not so.
“Clash” is one of the most important bands in history of punk rock. Their music is considered “classic punk” song became the basis for the creativity of many musicians worldwide. Unfortunately, without knowledge of the English language, many of their songs are perceived as noise, but for students who speak English, it is not so. The song “Clash” is a call to rebellion, a call to fight for their rights. In the beginning of 1976 two friends, Mick Jones (b. 1956) and Paul Simonon (b. 1957) decided together to play rock music. What they will play, they did not know, but until then Mick some time was the guitarist and was well versed in music. It is Joe Strummer (John Mellen, b. 1953), who left his band “the 101’ers”, who played the rock-n-roll and reggae, watching the concert “Sex Pistols”.
Punk gained momentum, and “Clash” were a part of it. After some time they were joined by drummer Terry Chimes and guitarist Keith Levene (he left the band soon after, because a lot of drinking). To organize concerts took Bernard Rhodes, a good friend of the “Sex Pistols”, and in the fall, “Clash” gave several performances in London and other cities.
Their first album “The Clash”, was released in the spring of 1977. Most listeners liked the song “White Riot” – the “White Uprising”, she became the most famous of all creativity “Clash”. At the same time started playing drums Nicky “topper” Higdon. “Clash” competed against the Nazis, who were then in London quite a lot. In 1978, the group held the concert “Rock Against Racism” in the Park of Queen Victoria, and this speech marked the beginning of a long confrontation between punks and Nazis (only sometimes in words and sometimes in practice). In response to the concert Nazis held his speech, “Rock Against Communism”, which was perceived by many as a call for a new war. This caused a new wave of protest and so on. Now the border between the two was carried out clearly enough – this is precisely the merit of the “Clash”.
Their second album titled “Give ‘Em Enough Rope”, was released in 1978. She rose to second place in the charts, and the most memorable song from her was “Tommy Gun”. This was followed by another two releases – “Cost Of Living” and “London Calling”, and in 1980 he released the EP “Black Market Clash” that contains records that have not previously been.
In 1980, the “Clash” released the album “Sandinista!”, which greatly changed their sound. They have departed from the usual punk sound mixed with punk rock and several other music directions. The album was perceived by different listeners in different ways, but the overall impression was that “Clash” is no longer playing punk rock”. The way it really was. In 1981, Joe has played with other groups, Paul starred in the movie, Mick has released a record of his girlfriend, topper was fond of the theater. Play punk rock they are tired. In 1982 he released the CD “Combat Rock” and “Clash” went to concerts in Australia, but… it was not the same band as before. While Joe and Paul tried to return to the old sound, Mick and topper were trying to change the sound.
In 1983, topper and Mick left the band, and the last album “Clash”, released with the participation of guitarists Vince white and nick Sheppard and Pete Howard drums, not a success. Then England broke out a severe crisis, and the game has lost all meaning. Since the mid-eighties about them nothing was heard, but in 1999, Joe, Paul, Mick and topper released a CD “From Here To Eternity”, which contained live recordings of “Clash”.
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