The Beatles

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Paul Di’anno (born may 17, 1959, London, England; vocals) in the early 80’s was a member of the famous “Iron maiden”. Releasing them a couple of albums, he parted with the group. Then some time he acted as part of the project “Battlezone”.
In 1992, while in America he founded a new team, called from the second album “Maidanov” – “Killers”. In its composition except Di’anno included guitarist cliff Evans (ex-“Chickenshack”, “Head first” and “Tank”), guitarist ray of Dayton (ex-“Drive she said”, bassist John Gallagher (ex-“Raven”) and drummer Steve Hopgood (ex-“Chinatown”, “Persian risk”, “Jagged edge”, “Passion”). In this configuration, the “Killers” rushed to conquer South America, pre-finished session in new York Studio for “live” intended for release specifically in that region. The repertoire consisted mainly of songs “Iron maiden” and “Battlezone”.
Signing a contract with the American company “RCA Records” “the Killers” had in its composition a replacement.
Killers Gallagher, who retired in vozroshdenie “Raven” changed Gavin Cooper (ex-“Passion”). In addition, the band had a second guitarist Nick Burr (ex-“Idol rich” and “Passion”). Before the publication of the second album was released the single with covers of the songs “Iron maiden” and “T. Rex”. For a long time after that “Killers” was performed on tour in England, America and Japan. Back home in Britain, the musicians found that their popularity at home was far from desirable. In 1994 the band signed a contract with the British company “Bleeding Hearts Records”, releasing on her album “Menace To Society”. Later musicians began to have problems because of bad habits Field Di’anno companions indulge in drugs, acquired during the stay in Los Angeles. There was even an incident when Field at one of the concerts in America, tied in handcuffs, loaded into a plane and sent home to England.
Nevertheless, the group managed somehow to solve their problems and in 1996 was released the live album “live Killers”.
KillersВскоре Di’anno began his solo work by releasing an album made in a more melodic vein. In 1998, he decided to revive the project “Battlezone”, making him the Brazilian tour. In this South American shares he was helped by colleagues at the “Killers” Barr and Cooper. Barr subsequently teamed up with former frontman of “Grim reaper” Steve Grimmett in the team, “Lionsheart” and then in “Pride”. Another former member of the “Killers” Peter Newdeck played with Grimeton in another band called “Seven deadly sins”. Evans also participated in the round “Tank”. In 2000, there were rumors that the “Killers” will be a new frontman Tony O Hora. Meanwhile, Di’anno hung down in his beloved Brazil, and recorded there with local musicians, the album “Nomad”.
In 2001, he and Evans were invited as “guests” to record the album “Longevity” German Gothic “Revision”.
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